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histrionics ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

histrionics anlamı
1) duygu sömürüsü
2) aktörlük
3) oyunculuk
4) tiyatro sanatı
5) yapmacık tavır
6) sahte davranış

"histrionics" için örnek kullanımlar

Even allowing for his past histrionics, he is more done to than doer.
Hatta onun geçmiş duygu sömürüsü için izin, o daha fail daha yapılır.
Kaynak: bleacherreport.com
Newell pushes the style, so the film verges on histrionics, but that's reasonable.
Newell aktörlük üzerinde çok filmin kenarları, stil iter, ama makul.
Kaynak: smh.com.au
Maxwell, a Broadway favorite, couldn't put up with Baldwin's backstage histrionics.
Maxwell, bir Broadway favori, Baldwin'in kulis duygu sömürüsü ile koymak olamazdı.
Kaynak: showbiz411.com
Lee electrified the soaked and muddied crowd with his vocals and guitar histrionics.
Lee onun vokal ve gitar duygu sömürüsü ile ıslatılmış ve bulandırdı kalabalığı heyecanlandırdı.
Kaynak: hollywoodreporter.com
Some histrionics change their seduction technique into a more maternal/paternal style as they age. Mnemonic: A mnemonic that can be used to
Kaynak: Histrionic personality disorder
minus the jazz-rock histrionics". In October 2010, Ocean Songs was listed in the book, 100 Best Australian Albums . History: File:Warren Ellis
Kaynak: Dirty Three
The band's live performances were noted for their wild histrionics , often featuring Garside onstage drilling doll heads and drinking
Kaynak: Daisy Chainsaw
the Natya Shastra , a theoretical treatise on ancient India n dramaturgy and histrionics , dated to between roughly 1200 BC and 1400 BC.
Kaynak: Bharata Muni
when the Nationals win, as well as for his histrionics and the high energy nature of his calls during excited periods of play
Kaynak: Charlie Slowes
Chandrasekhar, also known as Vagai Chandrasekhar, is a Tamil stage, film and television actor known for his histrionics . He played lead
Kaynak: Chandrasekhar (Tamil actor)
and mother, Veronica that she's "up the pole", they aren't thrilled, but there's no display of histrionics. After asking who the father is
Kaynak: The Snapper (novel)
with histrionics ranging from X-raying of chairs, protests about the flags used on the board, the inevitable hypnotism complaints and the
Kaynak: World Chess Championship 1978
His work often deals with the exploration of social and political commentary, family histrionics, surreal love poems, obscure adventure
Kaynak: Brendan McLeod
date April 2011 Writing in the Washington Post , Jonathan Yardley said, “McKeen gets it all in: the boozing and drugging, the histrionics
Kaynak: William McKeen
Conducted radio program Grace Time Radio from 2000 to 2005 in the city of Coronel , known for his histrionics, irony, and vision.
Kaynak: Cristian Hernandez Gonzalez
readers and writers contended that such extreme behavior was mere histrionics, and such an emphasis on one's own feelings and reactions a
Kaynak: Sensibility
melodramatics, histrionics, and using Spears' personal shortcomings to bolster his own fame Others have accused Crocker of acting in the "
Kaynak: Chris Crocker
In the last verse, Stumpus' histrionics are interrupted by a brief belch, followed by a polite "'scuse me" before going back up to eleven
Kaynak: Rocket (Def Leppard song)

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