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holdfast ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

holdfast anlamı
1) tutan şey
2) kanca
3) kenet
4) çengel

"holdfast" için örnek kullanımlar

It enables liquid holdfast proteins to solidify rapidly and stick flawlessly to wet and salty surfaces.
Hızla kuvvetlendirmek ve ıslak ve tuzlu yüzeylere kusursuz sopa sıvı çengel proteinleri sağlar.
Kaynak: bordermail.com.au
Instead, it produces extremely strong adhesives which help it attach to rocks by its base, known as the holdfast.
Bunun yerine, o çengel olarak bilinen tabanı ile kayalar eklemek yardım son derece güçlü yapıştırıcılar üretiyor.
Kaynak: londonderrysentinel.co.uk
A holdfast is a root -like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms, such as seaweed , other sessile algae , stalked crinoid s,
Kaynak: Holdfast
A holdfast is a root-like structure that anchors aquatic sessile organisms to their substrate. Holdfast may also refer to: Hold fast , a
Kaynak: Holdfast (disambiguation)
A holdfast is also a plinth or pedestal, usually of concrete, to which an anti-aircraft or coastal battery gun was fitted.
Kaynak: Hold fast
The organism had a holdfast , stalk and frond. The holdfast was bulbous shaped, and the stalk was flexible. The frond was segmented and
Kaynak: Charniodiscus

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