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homework ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

homework anlamı
1) ödev
2) ev ödevi
3) evde yapılmak üzere verilen iş

"homework" için örnek kullanımlar

high school, homework, crushes, and friendship that everyone goes through.
lise, ödev, ezilmeler, ve herkes gider bu dostluk.
Kaynak: lasentinel.net
We hope all parties spearheading the campaign have done their homework.
Biz kampanya öncülük bütün taraflar ödevlerini yapmış umuyoruz.
Kaynak: laist.com
Tax preparers say it's important to do your homework before having your taxes done.
Vergi hazırlayıcılar sizin vergi yaptıktan önce ev ödevinizi iyi yapmanız önemlidir söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: wlos.com
But I go home and spend three to four hours on homework.
Ama ben eve gitmek ve ödev üç ila dört saat harcamak.
Kaynak: contracostatimes.com
Homework, or homework assignment, refers to tasks assigned to student s by their teacher s to be completed outside of class .
Kaynak: Homework
"The dog ate my homework" is an English expression purported to be a favorite excuse made by schoolchildren explaining their failure to turn
Kaynak: The dog ate my homework
The Berenstain Bears and the Homework Hassle: The story begins when Brother gets very far behind on his homework and he gets a note in his
Kaynak: List of Berenstain Bears books

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