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homologue ne demek?

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homologue anlamı

"homologue" için örnek kullanımlar

Et c'est Roger Goodell qui arrive en tête, juste devant son homologue NBA David Stern.
Et c'est Roger Goodell qui en tête, juste devant oğlu homolog NBA David Stern geliyor.
Kaynak: touchdownactu.com
C'est une véritable voiture de course dont Porsche homologue une version routière qui n'a de 911 que le nom.
C'est une véritable voiture de tabii Yüklü Porsche homolog une sürümü routière qui n'a de 911 que le nom.
Kaynak: les24heures.fr
Devraient prendre la piste, Bottas le Rookie Finlandais chez Williams, Chilton son homologue Britannique chez Marussia.
Piste Devraient prendre la, Bottas le Rookie finlandais chez Williams, Chilton oğlu homolog Britannique chez Marussia.
Kaynak: autonewsinfo.com
2CD-5EtO is a homologue of the phenethylamine hallucinogen 2C-D , where the 5- methoxy group of 2C-D has been lengthened to an ethoxy
Kaynak: 2CD-5EtO
Cannabicyclohexanol (CCH, CP 47,497 dimethyloctyl homologue, (C8)-CP 47,497) is a cannabinoid receptor agonist drug, developed by Pfizer
Kaynak: Cannabicyclohexanol
28S ribosomal RNA is the eukaryotic nuclear homologue of the prokaryotic 23S ribosomal RNA ; this is the structural RNA for the large
Kaynak: 28S ribosomal RNA
Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV, THV) is a homologue of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) having a propyl (3-carbon) side chain. This terpeno-
Kaynak: Tetrahydrocannabivarin
Canbisol (Nabidrox), is a synthetic cannabinoid derivative that is the dimethylheptyl homologue of 9- nor-9β-hydroxyhexahydrocannabinol
Kaynak: Canbisol
P protein is a protein that, in humans, is encoded by the OCA2 gene OCA2 encodes the human homologue of the mouse p (pink-eyed dilution)
Kaynak: OCA2
MreB is a protein found in bacteria that has been identified as a homologue of actin , as indicated by similarities in tertiary structure
Kaynak: MreB
Munc-18 (an acronym for m ammalian unc oordinated-18) proteins are the mammalian homologue of unc-18 proteins (which can be found in
Kaynak: Munc-18
Nuclear receptor TLX (homologue of the Drosophila tailless gene) also known as NR2E1 (Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group E member 1) is a
Kaynak: TLX
ParM is a prokaryotic actin homologue which provides the force to drive copies of the R1 plasmid to opposite ends of rod shaped bacteria
Kaynak: ParM
Neurochondrin (also known as its murine homologue, Norbin) is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NCDN gene This gene encodes a
Kaynak: NCDN
3-Isopropylmalate dehydratase is an aconitase homologue. References : External links : 3-isopropylmalate+dehydratase. Category:Lyases
Kaynak: 3-Isopropylmalate dehydratase
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