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humankind ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

humankind anlamı
1) insanlık
2) insanoğlu
3) beşeriyet
4) ademoğlu

"humankind" için örnek kullanımlar

In this argument we see both the heart of God and the purpose of humankind.
Bu argüman, Tanrı'nın kalbi ve insanlığın amacı hem bakın.
Kaynak: themoderatevoice.com
Dinner is scrambled egg and the vilest sausages known to humankind.
Akşam yemeği pişmiş yumurta ve insanlığın bilinen vilest sosis.
Kaynak: scotsman.com
To reflect on the small cruelties of humankind, go here.
İnsanlığın küçük zulmüne yansıtmak için, buraya gidin.
Kaynak: npr.org
"For us, he was a symbol of hope for humankind."
"Bizim için, o insanlık için bir umut sembolü oldu."
Kaynak: wfaa.com
trying to answer fundamental questions about humankind's place in the universe, the meaning of life , and the ideal way to live one's life.
Kaynak: Human
Monogenism therefore attracted interest to the biological assertion of "specific unity", or single species theory of humankind.
Kaynak: Monogenism
Despite the importance of existential risks, it is a difficult subject to study directly since humankind has never been destroyed before;
Kaynak: Risks to civilization, humans, and planet Earth
One aspect studies the innate nature or constitution of the human, known as the nature of humankind. It is concerned with the relationship
Kaynak: Christian anthropology
spiritual unity of all humankind There are an estimated five to six million Bahá'ís around the world in more than 200 countries and territories
Kaynak: Bahá'í Faith
Despite the nature of the politics of that time, we presented our teachings on unity and the oneness of humankind to prominent
Kaynak: Bahá'í Faith and the unity of humanity
Universal history is the presentation of the history of humankind as a whole, as a coherent unit It is basic to the Western tradition of
Kaynak: Universal history
Dogs (Canis lupus familiaris), which are humankind's first and most common domestic animal s, have played a role in many religious
Kaynak: Dogs in religion
Maritime Studies is an interdisciplinary academic field that embraces the liberal arts as the foundation for exploring humankind's critical
Kaynak: Maritime studies

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