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humidity ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

humidity anlamı
1) nem
2) rutubet

"humidity" için örnek kullanımlar

High winds, warm temperatures and low humidity continued to dry topsoils.
Yüksek rüzgarlar, ılık sıcaklık ve düşük nem topsoils kurumaya devam etti.
Kaynak: krgv.com
"Hybrids have greater tolerance for temperatures, light and humidity."
"Melezler sıcaklık, ışık ve nem daha fazla hoşgörü var."
Kaynak: post-gazette.com
They found that in temperate zones, lower humidity and temperature mean flu.
Onlar ılıman bölgelerde, düşük nem ve sıcaklık grip anlamına bulundu.
Kaynak: npr.org
"If humidity is less than 50% and greater than 90%, the virus spreads faster.
Nem% 50'den az ve% 90'dan fazla ise, "virüs hızlı yayılır.
Kaynak: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
Relative humidity is a term used to describe amount of water vapor in a mixture of air and water vapor. It is defined as the ratio of the
Kaynak: Relative humidity
Air conditioning is the process of altering the properties of air (primarily temperature and humidity ) to more favorable conditions.
Kaynak: Air conditioning
A humidity indicator is a moisture-sensitive chemical that changes color when the indicated relative humidity is exceeded. Some chemicals
Kaynak: Humidity indicator
A humidity indicator card (HIC) is a card on which a moisture-sensitive chemical is impregnated such that it will change color when the
Kaynak: Humidity indicator card
Humidity buffering refers to the ability of materials to moderate changes in relative humidity by absorbing and desorbing water vapour
Kaynak: Humidity buffering
The critical relative humidity (CRH) of a salt is defined as the relative humidity of the surrounding atmosphere (at a certain temperature
Kaynak: Critical relative humidity
The heat index (HI) or humiture or humidex is an index that combines air temperature and relative humidity in an attempt to determine the
Kaynak: Heat index
Modified atmosphere/modified humidity (MA/MH) packaging is a technology used to preserve the quality of fresh produce so that it can be sold
Kaynak: Modified atmosphere/modified humidity packaging
The dew point is associated with relative humidity . A high relative humidity indicates that the dew point is closer to the current air
Kaynak: Dew point
A dehumidifier is generally a household appliance which reduces the level of humidity in the air, usually for health reasons.
Kaynak: Dehumidifier
Climate encompasses the statistics of temperature , humidity , atmospheric pressure , wind , precipitation , atmospheric particle count and
Kaynak: Climate

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