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hypothetically ne demek?

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"hypothetically" için örnek kullanımlar

Students will be the ones hypothetically buying and wearing these dresses.
Öğrenciler varsayımsal bu elbiseler satın alma ve giyen olanlar olacaktır.
Kaynak: blog.chron.com
Let's say hypothetically the NHL is dead set on having uneven conferences.
Diyelim varsayımsal NHL ölü düzensiz konferanslar sahip ayarlanır söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: my.hockeybuzz.com
I can live with hypothetically moving one of them to the FS position.
Ben varsayımsal FS konumuna tanesi hareketli yaşayabilir.
Kaynak: sportsillustrated.cnn.com
I mean, we all, at least hypothetically, watch "Idol" to see people sing, right?
Yani, hepimiz, en azından varsayımsal olarak, şarkı, doğru kişileri görmek için "Idol" izlemek?
Kaynak: rollingstone.com
Neutronium , hypothetically occupying Period 0 in the periodic table. Proflight Commuter Services IATA airline designator. Leetspeak for
Kaynak: P0
Asteroid terraria are fictional but hypothetically possible space habitat s described in the book 2312 , authored by hard science fiction
Kaynak: Terrarium (space habitat)
Time travel could hypothetically involve moving backward in time to a moment earlier than the starting point, or forward to the future of
Kaynak: Time travel
particles hypothetically moving faster than light in vacuum,date July 2012 which is impossible according to the modern theory of relativity .
Kaynak: Cherenkov radiation
Saint Olga (Ольга, also called Olga Prekrasna (Ольга Прекрасна), or Olga the Beauty, hypothetically Old Norse : Helga; in some Scandinavian
Kaynak: Olga of Kiev
The lightest natural nuclides that are hypothetically subject to spontaneous fission are niobium-93 and molybdenum-94 (elements 41 and 42
Kaynak: Spontaneous fission
Until recently its location was hypothetically identified in Kodungallur in Thrissur district, Kerala . However, a series of recent
Kaynak: Muziris
A pleading in the alternative sets forth multiple claims or defenses either hypothetically or alternatively, such that if one of the
Kaynak: Alternative pleading
only a statistical certainty It demonstrates Maxwell 's point by hypothetically describing how to violate the Second Law: a container of gas
Kaynak: Maxwell's demon
The winner is, hypothetically, the runner who can best 'rise to the occasion' and perform better than their previous form, although the
Kaynak: Stawell Gift
Classical scholars saw in the legend a hypothetically real event they termed the Dorian invasion. The meaning of the concept has changed
Kaynak: Dorian invasion
Bacteriophages are much more specific than antibiotics , so they can hypothetically be chosen to be indirectly harmless not only to the
Kaynak: Phage therapy
The Jamaat says that peace talks with Russia are hypothetically possible, but only when Russia withdraws its troops from the region and
Kaynak: Shariat Jamaat
The borrower retains ownership of the collateral, but it is "hypothetically" controlled by the creditor in that he has the right to seize
Kaynak: Hypothecation
Although a particle hypothetically behaving as a point mass would be reflected, a particle actually behaving as a matter wave has a finite
Kaynak: Rectangular potential barrier
The conductive component is measured under the same conditions as the heat convection but with a (hypothetically) stagnant (or motionless
Kaynak: Nusselt number

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