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Iliad ne demek?

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Iliad anlamı
1) İlyada destanı

"Iliad" için örnek kullanımlar

Not exactly, but they are helping to ascertain when the Iliad was written.
Tam olarak değil, ama onlar İlyada yazıldığı zaman tespit etmek için yardımcı oluyor.
Kaynak: thedailybeast.com
There's one new play for this new season, and it's based on Homer's "Iliad."
İşte bu yeni sezon için yeni bir oyun, ve Homeros'un dayanıyor "İlyada."
Kaynak: post-gazette.com
It's as epic as the Iliad and as transformative as religion.
Bu İlyada gibi epik ve din gibi dönüştürücü bulunuyor.
Kaynak: tricountyrecord.com
The scientists tracked the words in the "Iliad" the way they would track genes in a genome.
Bilim adamları "İlyada" bir genomundaki genlerin izlemeyi tercih şekilde kelimeleri izlenir.
Kaynak: thedailybeast.com
The Iliad (sometimes referred to as the Song of Ilion or Song of Ilium) is an epic poem in dactylic hexameter s, traditionally attributed
Kaynak: Iliad
Iliad S.A. (ILD) is a French provider of telecommunication services. It is based in Paris and its operations comprise fixed and mobile
Kaynak: Iliad (company)
The Little Iliad (Greek. grc | Ἰλιὰς μικρά Ilias mikra; Ilias parva) is a lost epic of ancient Greek literature . It was one of the Epic
Kaynak: Little Iliad
Hómēros) is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey , and is revered as the greatest of ancient Greek epic poets . These epics lie at
Kaynak: Homer
Iliad Glacier. (64 | 27 | S | 63 | 27 | W | type:glacier_region:AQ_source:GNIS | display inline,title is a glacier flowing northeast from
Kaynak: Iliad Glacier
The Iliad is an epic poem attributed to Homer. Iliad may also refer to: iLiad , an e-book reading device. Iliad (company), a French
Kaynak: Iliad (disambiguation)
The extent of the historical basis of the Iliad has been a topic of scholarly debate for centuries. While researchers of the 18th century
Kaynak: Historicity of the Iliad
The Hermoniakos' Iliad. (grc | Ἰλιάς Κωνσταντίνου Ἑρμονιακοῦ is a 14th-century Byzantine paraphrase of the Iliad composed by Constantine
Kaynak: Hermoniakos' Iliad
events in Greek mythology and has been narrated through many works of Greek literature , most notably through Homer 's Iliad and the Odyssey .
Kaynak: Trojan War
The Ilias Latina is a short Latin hexameter version of the Iliad of Homer that gained popularity in Antiquity and remained popular
Kaynak: Ilias Latina
was a Greek hero of the Trojan War , the central character and the greatest warrior of Homer 's Iliad . Later legends (beginning with a
Kaynak: Achilles
It is best known for being the setting of the Trojan War described in the Greek Epic Cycle and especially in the Iliad , one of the two
Kaynak: Troy
In Greek mythology , as recorded in Homer 's Iliad , Patroclus, or Patroklos. (Πάτροκλος | Patroklos | glory of the father was the son of
Kaynak: Patroclus
It is, in part, a sequel to the Iliad , the other work ascribed to Homer. oldest extant work of Western literature, the Iliad being the oldest.
Kaynak: Odyssey
Since Homer , in the Iliad , makes no reference to his ancestry (except to note that he is the son of Panthous (Πάνθοος) and Phrontis
Kaynak: Polydamas (mythology)
Free is a French telecommunications company, subsidiary of Iliad , which provides internet , landline , IP television and mobile phone
Kaynak: Free (ISP)
"The Iliad, or The Poem of Force. (L'Iliade ou le poème de la force. essay is about Homer 's epic poem the Iliad and contains reflections on
Kaynak: The Iliad or the Poem of Force
This is a list of English translations of Homer—that is, of the Iliad and Odyssey—chronologically ordered by date of first publication, with
Kaynak: English translations of Homer

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