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imbalance ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

imbalance anlamı
1) dengesizlik
2) oransızlık

"imbalance" için örnek kullanımlar

One of the most striking abnormalities is an apparent chemical imbalance.
En çarpıcı anormallikler biri belirgin bir kimyasal dengesizlik olduğunu.
Kaynak: spacedaily.com
Anyway, with 30 teams spread around four divisions, there remains imbalance.
Neyse, dört tümen yayılmış 30 takım ile, dengesizlik orada kalır.
Kaynak: dotnews.com
Is this imbalance of power the reason the boys aren't getting along offstage?
Bu güç dengesizliği çocuklar kulis geçinmek değil nedeni midir?
Kaynak: filmjournal.com
The imbalance does not need to be a large one, just a small and consistent one.
Büyük bir dengesizlik, sadece küçük ve tutarlı bir tane olmak zorunda değildir.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
CP violation and the matter–antimatter imbalance: Baryogenesis physics | Why does the universe have so much more matter than antimatter?
Kaynak: CP violation
Imbalance between intake and expenditure: Nutrition disorder. Gaining imbalance: A gaining energy imbalance is a result of energy intake being
Kaynak: Energy balance (biology)
Mal de debarquement is rare disorder of imbalance caused by being on board a ship. Patients suffering from this condition experience
Kaynak: Balance disorder
Fiscal imbalance is a mismatch in the revenue powers and expenditure responsibilities of a government. of fiscal imbalances are measured:
Kaynak: Fiscal imbalance
Chemical imbalance is one hypothesis about the cause of mental illness . Other causes that are debated include psychological and social
Kaynak: Chemical imbalance
If hormone imbalance is left untreated it can result in serious medical conditions like diabetes . If the imbalance is taking place in the
Kaynak: Hormone imbalance
Global Imbalances refers to the situation where some countries have more assets than the other countries. account is in imbalance , it has
Kaynak: Global imbalances
Acid–base imbalance is an abnormality of the human body's normal balance of acids and bases that causes the plasma pH to deviate out
Kaynak: Acid–base imbalance
Fiscal imbalance (French, déséquilibre fiscal) is the term used in Canada to describe a monetary imbalance between the Canadian federal
Kaynak: Fiscal imbalance in Canada
Genetic imbalance is to describe situation when the genome of a cell or organism has more copies of some genes than other genes due to
Kaynak: Genetic imbalance
Generational imbalance is the economic and political tension which characterizes a state which has a reduced birth rate and increased health
Kaynak: Generational imbalance
The term fiscal imbalance is used in Australia in relation to the flow of funds between its federal , state and territorial governments.
Kaynak: Fiscal imbalance in Australia

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