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imbecility ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

imbecility anlamı
1) embesillik
2) geri zekâlılık
3) ahmaklık

"imbecility" için örnek kullanımlar

The meaning was further refined into mental and moral imbecility The concepts of "moral insanity", "moral idiocy"," and "moral imbecility
Kaynak: Imbecile
It advanced the now-discredited idea, then prevalent in contemporary scientific racism , that so-called "Mongolian imbecility," a form of
Kaynak: The Mongol in Our Midst
idiocy , at the most severe end of the scale; to imbecility , at the median point; and to feeble-mindedness at the highest end of functioning.
Kaynak: Feeble-minded
The poem celebrates the goddess Dulness and the progress of her chosen agents as they bring decay, imbecility, and tastelessness to the
Kaynak: The Dunciad
eldest son and heir of Charles III of Spain , but was excluded from the succession to the thrones of Spain and Naples due to his imbecility .
Kaynak: Infante Philip, Duke of Calabria
Okafor in recent times is best known for his humorous acting which is often characterised by stupidity, hilarious imbecility and a sharp
Kaynak: John Okafor
social ineptitude, with the term 'feebleminded' (as opposed to 'idiocy' and 'imbecility') referring to the mildest degree of mental deficiency.
Kaynak: Mary Dendy Hospital
sometimes malicious, her boldness reaches its peak when she asserts that William Butler Yeats "represents the last state in symbolic imbecility
Kaynak: Storm Jameson
To this was added short rations, discontent and desertion during the 'imbecility' of the coming months. 120 miles remained to reach the
Kaynak: Chickasaw Campaign of 1739
She was "retained in 2A" for the next term - or "left back" as was formerly said, and scarcely a sign of imbecility as I remember all my
Kaynak: Carrie Buck
The government believed that they were helping the Penobscots, as stated in 1824 by the highest court in Maine that "…imbecility on their
Kaynak: Penobscot people
resulting in imbecility and senility due to hereditary influence. Max Nordau 's Degeneration holds that the two dominant traits of those
Kaynak: Fin de siècle
century and into the 20th century converged with ideas of moral imbecility and deficiency, as well as with an anti-vice moral hygiene movement
Kaynak: Moral insanity
naked, and inability to learn local customs saw them named as Mazambik in Kreol, which today is used as an insult for barbarity or imbecility
Kaynak: Slavery in Seychelles
Ba-Ba-Bankrobbery: (Can imbecility be a sin?) album, although the 7" English version does not seem to appear on any albums. The song was
Kaynak: Geld oder Leben!

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