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inadmissible ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inadmissible anlamı
1) kabul edilemez
2) uygun görülemez

"inadmissible" için örnek kullanımlar

Olympique Lyonnais has condemned the "inadmissible acts" of "pseudo" fans.
Olympique Lyonnais "sözde" taraftar "inadmissible eylemler" kınadı.
Kaynak: bbc.co.uk
Yes, the NCAA will throw out evidence that was obtained in an inadmissible nature.
Evet, NCAA bir kabuledilemez nitelikte elde edilmiş delil atacak.
Kaynak: collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com
Lyon were quick to condemn what they called 'inadmissible acts' of 'reprehensible violence'.
Lyon onlar 'kınanması şiddet' 'kabul edilemez eylemleri' dediği kınamak için hızlı.
Kaynak: dailymail.co.uk
The shoes were found to contain George's DNA but were ruled inadmissible as evidence in the trial.
Ayakkabı George DNA içermediğinden bulundu ancak davasında delil olarak kabul edilemez yönetildi.
Kaynak: thehour.com
A decision rule is admissible (with respect to the loss function) if and only if no other rule dominates it; otherwise it is inadmissible.
Kaynak: Admissible decision rule
Inadmissibility is an application for legal entry to the United States made by an individual who is otherwise inadmissible on one or more grounds.
Kaynak: United States Waiver of Inadmissibility
An alien can be found inadmissible on the grounds of poor health, criminal history, substance trafficking, prostitution/human trafficking
Kaynak: Clark v. Martinez
Evidence of subsequent remedial measures are generally inadmissible for two reasons. First, court s do not want to discourage defendants
Kaynak: Public policy doctrines for the exclusion of relevant evidence
first obtaining an inadmissible confession without giving Miranda warning s, then issuing the warnings, and then obtaining a second confession.
Kaynak: Missouri v. Seibert
Generally in law, evidence that is not probative (doesn't tend to prove the proposition for which it is proffered) is inadmissible and
Kaynak: Relevance (law)
When discussing jury trial s, the phrase is sometimes used to describe the judge's instructions to the jury to ignore inadmissible
Kaynak: Unring the bell
s that belonged to the accused B. The House of Lords held this evidence to be inadmissible in suggesting that B had committed the assault.
Kaynak: R v B
35622/04) was a case before the European Court of Human Rights decided in 2012 by an inadmissibility decision. their case was inadmissible
Kaynak: Chagos Islanders v United Kingdom

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