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inalterable ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inalterable anlamı
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"inalterable" için örnek kullanımlar

that no discourse, imaginative or archival, gives access to unchanging truths, nor expresses inalterable human nature; that a critical
Kaynak: New Historicism
into a happy marriage between Cordelia and Edgar, the idea that Shakespeare's works were sacrosanct and inalterable was not yet established.
Kaynak: Catharine and Petruchio
The founder of the educational establishment – inalterable rector from the day of foundation of the institute of higher education and to
Kaynak: Luhansk State University of Internal Affairs
"republic", and the "inalterable laws installed by the divine Augustus", for their equivalent of a constitution in the era of the early Empire.
Kaynak: Res publica
likely reinforce the stigma of fat bodies, linking them to disease and likening fatness to a health behavior instead of an inalterable trait
Kaynak: Media depictions of body shape
In the 1970s Dulay and Burt's studies showed that learners acquire grammar forms and structures in a pre-determined, inalterable order,
Kaynak: Second language
As an answer, the Slovak government adopted a resolution in September 2007 declaring the Beneš Decrees inalterable. According to The
Kaynak: Czechoslovak-Hungarian population exchange
"inalterable logic of post-Hegelian philosophy" see: John Glassford, "Did Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900) Plagiarise from Max Stirner
Kaynak: Relationship between Friedrich Nietzsche and Max Stirner
Islamic philosophers adapted divine Intellect to reinforce scripture, in that God is a transcendent being, omnipresent and inalterable to
Kaynak: Neoplatonism
As an answer, the Slovak government adopted a resolution in September 2007 which declared that the Beneš decrees are inalterable.
Kaynak: Slovakization
Experiments are rarely possible in existing neighbourhoods where the street pattern, the properties and the residents are given and inalterable.
Kaynak: Fused Grid
opposition which in him amounts to genius; his ardour melts, and his daring moulds into new and strange shapes, much that we accept as inalterable.
Kaynak: Søren Kierkegaard

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