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inarticulate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inarticulate anlamı
1) anlaşılmaz
2) dilsiz
3) konuşma özürlü
4) derdini anlaTamayan
5) konuşamaz
6) eklemsiz

"inarticulate" için örnek kullanımlar

Inside the monastery we watch the long, tormented wrestling of inarticulate souls.
Manastırın içinde biz anlaşılmaz ruhların uzun, eziyet güreşi izlemek.
Kaynak: ft.com
And that is something the textureless and often inarticulate Carey is clearly incapable of.
Ve bu textureless ve genellikle anlaşılmaz Carey açıkça aciz bir şeydir.
Kaynak: deadline.com
That was no surprise to those who had tried to interview him and found him strangely inarticulate.
Bu ona röportaj çalışmıştı olanlar için sürpriz olmadı ve ona garip anlaşılmaz bulundu.
Kaynak: sfexaminer.com
I kind of love it when people are inarticulate.
Insanlar anlaşılmaz olduğunda ben tür seviyorum.
Kaynak: news.ph.msn.com
Two major groups are recognized, articulate and inarticulate. while inarticulate brachiopods have untoothed hinges and a more complex
Kaynak: Brachiopod
An instrumental is a musical composition or recording without lyrics , or singing , although it might include some inarticulate vocal
Kaynak: Instrumental
Innovation is the development of new values through solutions that meet new requirements, inarticulate needs, or old customer and market
Kaynak: Innovation
Obolellida is a small, extinct order of inarticulate brachiopods that existed from the early to middle Cambrian period. inarticulates is
Kaynak: Obolellida
Linguliformea is a subphylum of inarticulate brachiopod s. These were the earliest of brachiopods, ranging from the Cambrian into the
Kaynak: Linguliformea
Harriet is painfully inarticulate, Vesey defensive and irritating. Yet they are drawn to one another. They are separated when he goes off
Kaynak: A Game of Hide and Seek
He briefly served as First Sea Lord but in that role he "was abrasive, inarticulate, and autocratic" and was really only selected as
Kaynak: Arthur Wilson (Royal Navy officer)
The portrayal of Ahern as blustering and inarticulate but infinitely shrewd set the tone for the future. Ahern is still the main star, but
Kaynak: Gift Grub
his beautiful cousin Roxana, and his classically handsome but inarticulate friend Christian de Neuvillette who, unaware of Cyrano's
Kaynak: Cyrano (musical)

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