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inauspiciousness ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inauspiciousness anlamı
1) uğursuzluk
2) tâlihsizlik

"inauspiciousness" için örnek kullanımlar

Matangi is often associated with pollution, inauspiciousness and the periphery of Hindu society, which is embodied in her most popular form
Kaynak: Matangi
In her Varanasi temple, however, she transcends her inauspiciousness and acquires the status of a local protective deity. There, even
Kaynak: Dhumavati
remarriage Such restrictions are now strictly observed only by a small minority of widows, though some degree of ritual inauspiciousness lingers.
Kaynak: Women in Hinduism
They are especially active under circumstances of inauspiciousness and distress. In case of droughts and calamities, they directly address
Kaynak: Wu (shaman)

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