included the loud crowd that roared at every bad call and every basket.
Yani her kötü çağrı ve her sepeti kükredi sesle kalabalığa dahil.
Kaynak: detroitnews.comThe largest of these strandings
included more than 150 whales, all of which died.
Bu kıyılar arasında büyük ölen her hangi 150'den fazla balinalar, dahil.
Kaynak: sciencedaily.comThursday's tweet
included a hashtag: "cleanupthegame.
"Cleanupthegame: Perşembe günkü tweet bir hashtag dahildir.
Kaynak: usnews.comIgesund also
included Ronwen Williams but has indicated that he won't take part in the match.
Igesund da Ronwen Williams dahil ama maçında yer almayacak belirtti.
Kaynak: to Hutton 's law of inclusions, fragments
included in a host rock are older than the host rock itself. Mineralogy: Inclusions are
Kaynak: Inclusion (mineral)Educators generally say that some students with special needs are not good candidates for inclusion Many schools expect a fully
includedKaynak: Inclusion (education)Individuals function at full capacity, feel more valued, and
included in the organization's mission. This culture shift creates higher
Kaynak: Inclusion (value and practice)If they are
included into classroom activities, all students become more sensitive to the fact that these students may need extra
Kaynak: Mainstreaming (education)In PHP , the include directive causes another PHP file to be
included and evaluated Similar commands are require, which upon failure to
Kaynak: Include directivespecies is sometimes a cause of debate, but generally it is the earlier-named one, and the other species is said to be "
included" within this one.
Kaynak: Inclusion (taxonomy)Batteries Not
Included (styled batteries not
included) is a 1987 family -science fiction film directed by Matthew Robbins about small
Kaynak: Batteries Not Included (film)A lesser
included offense, in criminal law , is a crime for which all of the elements necessary to impose liability are also elements
Kaynak: Lesser included offense