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incoherent ne demek?

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incoherent anlamı
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"incoherent" için örnek kullanımlar

Sure it sounded like incoherent moaning, but at least you had a great time.
Tabii bu tutarsız inilti gibi geliyordu, ama en azından büyük bir zaman vardı.
Kaynak: policymic.com
The plot is like the worst, longest, most incoherent nightmare you ever had.
Arsa kadarki en kötü, en uzun, en tutarsız kabus gibi.
Kaynak: startribune.com
He welcomes reader questions, tips, and incoherent rants: [email protected].
[email protected]: Okuyucu sorular, ipuçları ve tutarsız rants ağırlamaktadır.
Kaynak: grist.org
That's a problem, since its economic agenda is incoherent, at best.
Ekonomik gündemi tutarsız olması nedeniyle bu en iyi ihtimalle, bir sorun var.
Kaynak: theatlantic.com
Since for a white-light source such as a light-bulb au_c is small, the filament is considered a spatially incoherent source.
Kaynak: Coherence (physics)
EISCAT is an acronym for the European Incoherent Scatter Scientific Association. It operates three incoherent scatter radar systems, at
Kaynak: EISCAT
In physics, the Lamb–Mössbauer factor (LMF, after Willis Lamb and Rudolf Mössbauer ) or elastic incoherent structure factor (EISF) is the
Kaynak: Lamb–Mössbauer factor
In physics , Bragg's law gives the angles for coherent and incoherent scattering from a crystal lattice. When X-ray s are incident on an
Kaynak: Bragg's law
Intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) imaging is a concept and a method initially introduced and developed by Le Bihan et al to quantitatively
Kaynak: IVIM
Mueller calculus is a matrix method for manipulating Stokes vectors , which represent the polarization of incoherent light.
Kaynak: Mueller calculus
certain conditions the Fourier transform of the mutual coherence function of a distant, incoherent source is equal to its complex visibility .
Kaynak: Van Cittert–Zernike theorem
Millstone Hill is the location for two of the most well-known incoherent scatter radars in the world. These include a fully steerable 46-
Kaynak: Millstone Hill Observatory
along the beam A beam produced by a thermal or other incoherent light source has an instantaneous amplitude and phase which vary randomly
Kaynak: Laser

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