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incommensurability ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"incommensurability" için örnek kullanımlar

Commensurability (contrast with incommensurability) is a concept in the philosophy of science . Scientific theories are described as
Kaynak: Commensurability (philosophy of science)
Philosophers argue over the precise nature of value incommensurability, and discussions do not always exhibit a consistent terminology.
Kaynak: Commensurability (ethics)
He develops a proof which is, for all intents and purposes, very Euclidean in nature and speaks to the concept of incommensurability
Kaynak: Commensurability (mathematics)
Ruth Chang is a professor of philosophy at Rutgers University She is known for her research on the incommensurability of values and on
Kaynak: Ruth Chang
He disputed the standard story of Greek mathematical discovery, in which the discovery of the phenomenon of incommensurability came as a
Kaynak: David Fowler (mathematician)
He also was critical of attempts to capture incommensurability in a logical framework, since he thought of incommensurability as a
Kaynak: Paul Feyerabend
eu/joomla/filosofia/i-problemi-della-filosofia/epistemologia/301-thomas-khun-incommensurability. html Thomas Khun's Theory of incommensurability
Kaynak: Thomas Kuhn
130 Russill makes the argument that the pragmatist tradition "conceptualizes communication in response to the problem of incommensurability."
Kaynak: Communication Theory as a Field
Because previous numerical foundations were still incompatible with the concept of incommensurability, Greek focus shifted away from those
Kaynak: Irrational number
Furthermore, Feyerabend held that deciding between competing scientific accounts was complicated by the incommensurability of scientific
Kaynak: Epistemological anarchism
(The square containing two square units is not mentioned, perhaps because the incommensurability of its side with the unit was already known.)
Kaynak: Theodorus of Cyrene
Becker, as did several others, emphasized the "crisis" in Greek mathematics occasioned by the discovery of incommensurability of the side
Kaynak: Oskar Becker
Echarria uses Kuhn's controversial incommensurability thesis as a claim to relativism and therefore a defense of engagement in the war of
Kaynak: War of ideas
htm Contributors to rhetoric and incommensurability, Randy Harris, Univ. of Waterloo. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, June 1999, volume
Kaynak: Alan G. Gross

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