For safety reasons, the crew tried to stay as
inconspicuous as possible.
Güvenlik nedenlerinden dolayı, ekip mümkün olduğunca gösterişsiz kalmaya çalıştım.
Kaynak: gainesville.comThe pen sits in a slot on the side of the tablet and is
Kalem tabletin yan tarafında bir yiv içinde oturur ve göze çarpmayan.
Kaynak: episode started off as typical and
inconspicuous as any episode of Girls.
Bölüm Girls herhangi bir bölümü gibi tipik ve gösterişsiz olarak başladı.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.comWest Brom came from behind to beat them and Michu was
West Brom onları yenmek için arkasından geldi ve Michu farkedilmez oldu.
Kaynak: justarsenal.comA catkin or ament is a slim, cylindrical flower cluster, with
inconspicuous or no petal s, usually wind -pollinated (anemophilous ) but
Kaynak: CatkinPlantago is a genus of about 200 species of small,
inconspicuous plants commonly called plantains. They share this name with the very
Kaynak: PlantagoNorma is a small and
inconspicuous constellation in the southern hemisphere between Scorpius and Centaurus . Its name is Latin for
Kaynak: Norma (constellation)Hiding (also called abscondence or concealment) is obscuring something from view or rendering it
inconspicuous. Hiding may also refer to:
Kaynak: HidingLichenomphalia is both a basidiolichen and an agaric genus Most of the species have
inconspicuous lichenized thalli that consist of
Kaynak: LichenomphaliaMicrantheum ericoides is an
inconspicuous shrub growing on poor sandy soils in eastern Australia . Often seen in areas of mid to
Kaynak: Micrantheum ericoidesSeveral species have small heads of
inconspicuous flowers surrounded by an involucre of large, typically white petal-like bracts , while
Kaynak: Cornus (genus)The cytopharynx is
inconspicuous and never forms the complex cyrtos found in similar classes. Body cilia generally arise from monokinetids
Kaynak: OligohymenophoreaWhile generally visually
inconspicuous, their songs are commonly heard. Diet is a mixture of birds, mammals and reptiles. an
inconspicuousKaynak: Forest falconstems where they are
inconspicuous, while other subfamilies include brightly coloured and patterned insects which rest in wing-spread attitudes.
Kaynak: Crambidaeheritage assets Of the tens of thousands of scheduled monuments in the UK, most are
inconspicuous archaeological sites, but some are large ruins .
Kaynak: Scheduled monumentMost wrens are small and rather
inconspicuous, except for their loud and often complex songs. Notable exceptions are the relatively large
Kaynak: WrenTheir tasks required them to be
inconspicuous, and they were issued green and later other drab colour uniforms. With the advent of longer
Kaynak: Military camouflage