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inefficacy ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inefficacy anlamı
1) etkisizlik
2) yetersizlik
3) başarısızlık
4) sonuçsuzluk
5) beceriksizlik

"inefficacy" için örnek kullanımlar

At the same time, this government has a track record of inaction, complacency and compromise to the point in inefficacy when it comes to making difficult reforms.
Zor reformları yapmak için geldiğinde, aynı zamanda bu hükümetin eylemsizliği, gönül ve etkisizlik içinde noktasına uzlaşma bir sicili var.
Kaynak: dailymaverick.co.za
This week advertising agencies became the latest inner city denizens to jump on the bandwagon, making oblique threats of "creative" ad campaigns to highlight the pettiness and inefficacy of the tax.
Bu hafta reklam ajansları vergi küçüklük ve etkisizlik vurgulamak için "yaratıcı" reklam kampanyalarının oblik tehdit, trenine atlamak için son kent sakinleri oldu.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
In the Philippines , amparo and habeas data are prerogative writ s to supplement the inefficacy of the writ of habeas corpus (Rule 102,
Kaynak: Amparo and habeas data in the Philippines
The Maslach Burnout Inventory uses a three dimensional description of exhaustion, cynicism , and inefficacy Some researchers and
Kaynak: Burnout (psychology)
Their efficacy as preservatives, in combination with their low cost, the long history of their use, and the inefficacy of some natural
Kaynak: Paraben
He is distinguished by a congenital cough , purblind demeanor, and general inefficacy in caring for both sets of children. Poe is the first
Kaynak: Arthur Poe
Mao's dissatisfaction over this program's inefficacy set the stage for the Cultural Revolution (1966-1976). See also : List of campaigns of
Kaynak: Socialist Education Movement
canceled production of visilizumab following its Phase II/III clinical trials , citing its inefficacy and poor safety profile compared to
Kaynak: Visilizumab
chorus often seem to imply a traditional way of thinking that has become outdated with time, or, in some cases, provide a model of inefficacy.
Kaynak: Chorus of the elderly in classical Greek drama
Transfusion inefficacy, while not itself a "complication," can lead to various complications due in part to the need to repeat transfusions
Kaynak: Blood transfusion
The writs of amparo and habeas data are prerogative writ s introduced in the Philippines to supplement the inefficacy of habeas corpus
Kaynak: Recurso de amparo
The Revolution of 1905, characterized by seemingly spontaneous marches and strikes, exposed the Okhrana's inefficacy at controlling mass
Kaynak: Okhrana
While to those who conform themselves to inefficacy, inefficacy readily lends its ineffectiveness. (23, tr. Waley)Compare this third example
Kaynak: De (Chinese)
Robinson pursued a detailed study of the Scriptures and early Christian authors, which soon convinced him of the inefficacy of infant
Kaynak: Robert Robinson (Baptist)
FlyLady asserts that the most frequent reason for procrastination and inefficacy is perfectionism, as people won't start a task if they
Kaynak: FlyLady
However, what is known about Unferth and the sword's inefficacy in battle strongly suggest that Unferth's intentions are cowardly rather
Kaynak: Hrunting
If a patient presents with a history of anti-itch preparation inefficacy, EPP should be considered. EPP usually first presents in
Kaynak: Erythropoietic protoporphyria
Present the facts about the diet industry, emphasizing the inefficacy of commercial diets. Show how diets perpetuate violence against
Kaynak: International No Diet Day
Despite Sukhomlinov's reforms (or perhaps because of his inefficacy and resistance to change, as some assert), the opening phase of the
Kaynak: Vladimir Sukhomlinov
where, it is claimed, he pointed out to the Saxons the inefficacy of their deities and warned them of impending destruction at the hands
Kaynak: Lebuinus
The most deleterious effect of police corruption is the inefficacy of law enforcement to fight crime. According to an investigation by La
Kaynak: Law enforcement in Argentina

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