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inessential ne demek?

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"inessential" için örnek kullanımlar

This is what Xtina has become. Inessential.
Bu Xtina haline gelmiştir budur. Lüzumsuz.
Kaynak: newnownext.com
Competitions are to a large extent a hotbed of inessential projects, which are only built because an investor has been found.
Bir yatırımcı bulundu çünkü Müsabakalar büyük ölçüde sadece inşa gereksiz projeler, bir yuva için vardır.
Kaynak: haaretz.com
He is intended to frame the stories of the two women, but at best his presence seems inessential, and during the book's twist ending it becomes faintly embarrassing.
O iki kadın hikayeleri çerçevelemek için tasarlanmıştır, ama en azından onun varlığı önemsiz görünüyor ve biten kitabın büküm sırasında hafifçe utanç verici olur.
Kaynak: books.usatoday.com
Secondary hypertension (or, less commonly, inessential hypertension) is a type of hypertension which by definition is caused by an
Kaynak: Secondary hypertension
which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad or in other words, rejecting the essential along with the inessential
Kaynak: Throw out the baby with the bath water
Peek is generally considered an inessential operation, compared with the more basic operations of adding and removing data, and as such is
Kaynak: Peek (data type operation)
Chromatic notes are traditionally understood as harmonically inessential embellishments, shadings, or inflections of diatonic notes.
Kaynak: Chromatic scale
(much as scientists consider the history of science inessential to scientific inquiry), continental philosophy typically suggests that "
Kaynak: Continental philosophy
Other properties, such as stripes or number of legs, are considered inessential or 'accidental Biologist Ernst Mayr epitomizes the effect
Kaynak: Essentialism
meaning that it has unit norm, and has an inessential overall phase: that is, the wave function of a pure state is naturally a point in
Kaynak: Complex projective space
It strains out whatever's inessential." "Twichell was born in New Haven, Connecticut, and earned her B.A. from Trinity College and her
Kaynak: Chase Twichell
apart from an overall inessential normalization constant. Here μ is a constant depending on the properties of the material. The kinetic
Kaynak: Vibrating plate
and what we don't notice, what we expect and what possibilities we don't consider: we discriminate between what is essential and inessential.
Kaynak: Hubert Dreyfus's views on artificial intelligence
The parties agreed to bind themselves to agreed terms, leaving certain subsidiary and legally inessential terms to be decided later.
Kaynak: RTS Flexible Systems Limited v Molkerei Alois Müller GmbH
Examining the frame above, we can see that the coordinate z is inessential; our spacetime is the direct product of a factor R with a
Kaynak: Gödel metric
With the exception of Class Comprehension, the following axioms are the same as those for NBG , inessential details aside. The symbolic
Kaynak: Morse–Kelley set theory
Mordents of all sorts might typically, in some periods, begin with an extra inessential note (the lesser, added note), rather than with
Kaynak: Ornament (music)
spatial vectors vec p_2, ; vec p_3 are spinning about vec p_1 (which is suppressed in the figure since the Z coordinate is inessential).
Kaynak: Born coordinates
This change is inessential because, intuitively speaking, the psi_1 function collapses the nameable ordinals beyond Omega_2 below the
Kaynak: Ordinal collapsing function

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