Inevitably we seek to apportion blame onto someone else for our situation.
Kaçınılmaz olarak bizim durum için bir başkasının üzerine suçu apportion ararlar.
Kaynak: And the next logical evolution will
inevitably be a poaching of the ACC.
Ve sonraki mantıksal evrim kaçınılmaz ACC bir kaçak avcılık olacak.
Kaynak: sportsillustrated.cnn.comThose who like Icarus fly too close to the sun
inevitably fall to earth.
Icarus isteyenler çok yakın güneşin kaçınılmaz yere düşer uçmak.
Kaynak: calltothepen.comThe reality is that something
inevitably comes up as I'm about to clock off.
Gerçekte ben saatin üzereyim gibi bir şey kaçınılmaz olarak gelmesidir.
Kaynak: independent.ieIn historiography , the Idea of Progress is the theory that advances in technology, science, and social organization
inevitably produce an
Kaynak: Idea of ProgressTear and wear is damage - that naturally and
inevitably occurs as a result of normal wear or aging -. It is used in a legal context for
Kaynak: Wear and tearAs vaccines are very heat labile but
inevitably need to be heated to some extent, these devices are used. These are basically, water baths
Kaynak: Vaccine bathBuddleja davidii Pink Charmer is a cultivar of unrecorded origin which almost
inevitably suffers confusion with 'Pink Charming', yclept '
Kaynak: Buddleja davidii 'Pink Charmer'employer can use trade secret law to enjoin a former employee from working in a job that would
inevitably result in the use of trade secrets.
Kaynak: Inevitable disclosurein which he "warned of the danger of tyranny that
inevitably results from government control of economic decision-making through central
Kaynak: The Road to SerfdomMarxist theory holds that pure communism or full communism is a specific stage of historical development that
inevitably emerges from the
Kaynak: Communismhistoricist architectural styles "every spectator at every period—at every moment, indeed—
inevitably transforms the past according to his own nature."
Kaynak: Italianate architectureHe argued that if Greece and Turkey did not receive the aid that they urgently needed, they would
inevitably fall to communism with grave
Kaynak: Truman Doctrinesystem, the minority leader is almost
inevitably either a Republican or a Democrat , with the counterpart being a member of the opposite party.
Kaynak: Minority leaderthe scan has a major fault in accuracy which is built into it which
inevitably results in missed diagnoses of persons who suffer from three-
Kaynak: Myocardial perfusion imagingAnticipating modern political philosophy , democracy according to de Paepe would
inevitably spread to the economic segments of society
Kaynak: César De PaepeA dashing and courageous warrior, he was
inevitably compared to Alexander the Great and was nicknamed the darling of all Greece (Greek :
Kaynak: Philip V of MacedonThe genre almost always
inevitably crosses over with the black comedy genre; and in some respects could be considered a subset of it.
Kaynak: Horror comedy (genre)