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infatuate ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

infatuate anlamı
1) aklını çelmek
2) çılgına çevirmek
3) aklını başından almak

"infatuate" için örnek kullanımlar

and to conduct His followers to their home; yet all his care Preserved them not; they perish'd self-destroy'd By their own fault; infatuate!
Kaynak: English translations of Homer
At work, a new female employee attempts to infatuate Daikichi. He wards off her advances by telling her he has a daughter at home.
Kaynak: List of Bunny Drop chapters
The idiom to carry a torch (for someone) means to love or to be romantically infatuate d with someone, especially when such feelings are
Kaynak: Torch

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