The agency is testing a bait that makes rodents permanently
Ajans kemirgenler kalıcı infertil kılan bir yem test ediyor.
Kaynak: ny1.comIt then added helpfully that Mantel is "
infertile" and "dreams of being thin".
Daha sonra Mantel "infertil" ve "ince olma hayalleri" olduğunu yardımsever ekledi.
Kaynak: disease can cause cows to spontaneously abort their calves and become
Hastalık kendiliğinden iptal yavrularının ineklerin neden ve infertil olabilir.
Kaynak: argusleader.comOlder for Tito apparently means
infertile, or at least beyond wishing to have children.
Tito için Eski görünüşte kısır, ya da en azından çocuk sahibi olmak isteyen ötesine demektir.
Kaynak: are many biological causes of
infertility, including some that medical intervention can treat. they are naturally
infertile during the
Kaynak: InfertilityA freemartin or free-martin (sometimes martin heifer) is an
infertile female mammal which has masculinized behavior and non-functioning
Kaynak: FreemartinFertility awareness (FA) refers to a set of practices used to determine the fertile and
infertile phases of a woman's menstrual cycle .
Kaynak: Fertility awareness