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inflation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inflation anlamı
1) enflasyon
2) şişirme
3) şişkinlik
4) abartı
5) kendini beğenmişlik

"inflation" için örnek kullanımlar

Adjusted for inflation, the value of those loans has declined 23 percent.
Enflasyona göre düzeltilmiş, bu kredilerin değerini yüzde 23 azalmıştır.
Kaynak: entrepreneur.com
Ms Haselgrove said the offer was substantially above Hobart's inflation rate.
Ms Haselgrove teklif ölçüde Hobart enflasyon oranının üzerinde olduğunu söyledi.
Kaynak: themercury.com.au
The WPI inflation figure is up from 6.62 per cent in January.
TEFE enflasyonu Ocak ayında yüzde 6.62 kadardır.
Kaynak: blogs.ft.com
And 7,090 adjusted for population inflation would be, what, 10 times as much in 2013?
Ve nüfus enflasyon düzeltmesine 7,090 ne 10 kat daha fazla 2013 yılında, olurdu?
Kaynak: blog.mysanantonio.com
In economics , inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time When the
Kaynak: Inflation
In physical cosmology , cosmic inflation, cosmological inflation or just inflation is the theorized extremely rapid exponential expansion
Kaynak: Inflation (cosmology)
In economics, hyperinflation occurs when a country experiences very high, accelerating, and perceptibly "unstoppable" rates of inflation .
Kaynak: Hyperinflation
In the Austrian view it was this inflation of the money supply that led to an unsustainable boom in both asset prices (stocks and bonds)
Kaynak: Great Depression
Inflation targeting is an economic policy in which a central bank estimates and makes public a projected, or "target", inflation rate and
Kaynak: Inflation targeting
Monetary inflation is a sustained increase in the money supply of a country. It usually results in price inflation , which is a rise in
Kaynak: Monetary inflation
Despite attempts to control inflation by legislation, and three redenomination s (in 2006, 2008 and 2009), use of the Zimbabwean dollar as
Kaynak: Zimbabwean dollar
The annual percentage change in a CPI is used as a measure of inflation . A CPI can be used to index (i.e., effect of inflation) the real
Kaynak: Consumer price index
if they stopped the inflation this would cause immediate bankruptcies, unemployment, strikes, hunger, violence, collapse of civil order,
Kaynak: Hyperinflation in the Weimar Republic
Money supply and inflation: Tehran Stock Exchange. File:Inflation Iran CPI. jpg | publisher index Mondi/ref Money supply : The International
Kaynak: Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The term price revolution refers to the relatively high rate of inflation that characterized the period from the first half of the 16th
Kaynak: Price revolution
List of highest prices paid at auctions or private sales (inflation adjusted): This list is ordered by consumer price index inflation-
Kaynak: List of most expensive paintings
Grade inflation is the tendency of academic grades for work of comparable quality to increase over time. It is frequently discussed in
Kaynak: Grade inflation
Eternal Inflation is an inflationary universe model, which is itself an outgrowth or extension of the Big Bang theory. eternal inflation,
Kaynak: Eternal inflation
In finance , inflation derivative (or inflation-indexed derivatives) refers to an over-the-counter and exchange-traded derivative that is
Kaynak: Inflation derivative
Core inflation represents the long run trend in the price level. In measuring long run inflation , transitory price changes should be
Kaynak: Core inflation
Chronic inflation occurs when a country experiences high inflation for a prolonged period of time (several years or decades) due to undue
Kaynak: Chronic inflation

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