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ingrown ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

ingrown anlamı
1) batık
2) içe doğru büyümüş
3) kökleşmiş

"ingrown" için örnek kullanımlar

Your doctor, who is vaguely worried about your ingrown toenail?
Doktorunuz, belli belirsiz senin tırnak batması hakkında kim endişeli?
Kaynak: express.co.uk
Apparently, a lot of men want to say goodbye to ingrown hairs, nicks and razor burn.
Görünüşe göre, erkek bir sürü kıl dönmesi, çizilme ve jilet yanık veda etmek istiyorum.
Kaynak: cbsatlanta.com
He is battling an ingrown toenail that made it difficult on Thrsday morning to even put on his shoe.
O Thrsday sabahı zor, hatta onun ayakkabı koymak için yapılan bir tırnak batması mücadele ediyor.
Kaynak: truebluela.com
What's more, shaving is usually the cause of ingrown hairs and bacterial infections that lead to acne.
Dahası, tıraş genellikle kıl dönmesi ve sivilce neden bakteriyel enfeksiyonların nedenidir.
Kaynak: newnownext.com
The common opinion is that the nail enters inside the paronychium but an ingrown toenail may be overgrown toe skin The condition starts
Kaynak: Ingrown nail
Ingrown hair is a condition where hair curls back or grows sideways into the skin . The ingrown hair condition is seen primarily among
Kaynak: Ingrown hair
Surgical treatments of ingrown toe nails include a number of different options. If conservative treatment of a minor ingrown toenail does
Kaynak: Surgical treatment of ingrown toe nails
Neoplasms of the nailbed may often present with paronychia , ingrown nail , onycholysis , pyogenic granuloma, nail-plate dystrophy,
Kaynak: Neoplasms of the nailbed
Pseudofolliculitis barbae can further be divided into two types of ingrown hairs: transfollicular and extrafollicular. The extrafollicular
Kaynak: Pseudofolliculitis barbae
An ingrown meander is one where incision is slow and lateral erosion takes place resulting in an asymmetric valley. This resembles an
Kaynak: Entrenched river
Tellurides are ingrown into ores containing these precious metals and are also responsible for a significant amount these metals being
Kaynak: Coloradoite
Some of these are found on leaves of muscovite with their strong silvery glitter, ingrown in their parent rock. Such specimens are not
Kaynak: Brazilianite
Michel was practicing in St. Louis, Missouri , when he began using a battery-powered needle epilator to treat trichiasis (ingrown eyelash
Kaynak: Charles Michel (ophthalmologist)
This also reduces the risks of cuts, soreness, and ingrown hair s. Alum blocks and styptic pencils are used to close cuts resulting from
Kaynak: Shaving
Some people with trichiasis find it medically necessary to remove ingrown eyelashes. (shaving against the grain) can often cause ingrown hairs .
Kaynak: Hair removal
and treat any complications of the above which affect the lower limb, including skin and nail disorders, corns, calluses and ingrown toenails.
Kaynak: Podiatry
screeching screams of agony from the villagers, from their taste buds swelling and bursting as new buds must grow (ingrown and hairy) back in place.
Kaynak: Gourangkocha
Ingrown nail#Nail avulsion (Partial Nail Avulsion), a treatment of ingrown toenails. Pneumonia , an infection of the lungs. Other
Kaynak: PNA
Another drawback of waxing is that some people experience ingrown hair s, red bumps, and minor bleeding. This is more likely to occur when
Kaynak: Waxing

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