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inland ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inland anlamı
1) iç
2) karasal
3) ülke içi
4) denizden uzak olan
1) içeride
2) denizden uzakta
3) içe doğru
1) ülkenin iç kısmı

"inland" için örnek kullanımlar

The game fish season ended in Minnesota's inland waters some time ago.
Oyun balık sezonu bir süre önce Minnesota içsularda sona erdi.
Kaynak: sctimes.com
Phoenix pulls back the curtain on the future of inland empires.
Phoenix imparatorlukların gelecekteki geri perde çeker.
Kaynak: thenation.com
La Sierra senior Tanya Sapa is the class of the Inland area in the girls weight events.
La Sierra kıdemli Tanya Sapa kızlar kilo olaylarda İç alan sınıftır.
Kaynak: pe.com
It means petrol in inland provinces will rise by about 1.
Bu iç bölgelerdeki illerde benzin yaklaşık 1 oranında artacak demektir.
Kaynak: bdlive.co.za
An inland sea (also known as an epeiric sea) is a shallow sea that covers central areas of continents during periods of high sea level
Kaynak: Inland sea (geology)
Inland navigation is transport with ships via inland waterway s (canal s, river s, lake s etc.) between inland port s or quays and
Kaynak: Inland navigation
Their surface waters drain to inland terminal locations where the water evaporates or seeps into the ground, having no access to discharge
Kaynak: Endorheic basin
The Macina inland delta also provides water and fish for the Malians living there and during the wet season is a haven for large numbers
Kaynak: Inner Niger Delta
The term inland port is used in two different but related ways to mean either a port on an inland waterway or an inland site carrying out
Kaynak: Inland port

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