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"inmate" için örnek kullanımlar

Another Grootvlei inmate has complained of rats in the "hospital" at night.
Başka Grootvlei mahkum geceleri "hastane" sıçanların şikayette bulundu.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
In NFL circles, Michael Vick's time as a federal inmate feels like ancient history.
NFL çevrelerde, federal bir mahkum olarak Michael Vick zamanı antik tarih gibi hissediyor.
Kaynak: nfl.com
The same inmate who plotted to kidnap, castrate and murder the Biebs is at it again.
, Kaçırmaya hadım ve Biebs katletmek için çizilen aynı mahkumu tekrar olduğunu.
Kaynak: celebs.gather.com
David Bridgwater's inmate has been trained specifically for the race again this year.
David Bridgwater adlı mahkûmun tekrar yarış bu yıl için özel olarak eğitilmiştir.
Kaynak: guardian.co.uk
A prisoner, also known as an inmate, is a person who is deprived of liberty against their will. This can be by confinement, captivity, or
Kaynak: Prisoner
Most developed countries divide prisons into separate security classes depending on the inmate population and the security needed to keep
Kaynak: Prison
Inmate Telephone Systems have been designed to provide a monitored method for inmate and detainees to safely maintain contact with their
Kaynak: Inmate telephone system
Inmate Code refers to the rules and values that have developed among prisoners inside prisons social systems The inmate code helps define
Kaynak: Inmate Code
Kevin Cooper (born 1958) is a death row inmate currently held in California 's San Quentin Prison . Cooper was convicted of four murders
Kaynak: Kevin Cooper (inmate)
This is a list of notable inmates of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary An inmate register reveals that there was 1576 prisoners in total which
Kaynak: List of inmates of Alcatraz Federal Penitentiary

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