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innovation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

innovation anlamı
1) yenilik
2) buluş
3) icat
4) değişiklik

"innovation" için örnek kullanımlar

Meanwhile Samsung is taking product innovation to a new level of speed.
Bu arada Samsung hız yeni bir düzeye ürün yeniliği alıyor.
Kaynak: macworld.com
The program aims to stimulate innovation in the trucking industry.
Program kamyon endüstride yeniliğin teşvik amaçlamaktadır.
Kaynak: indystar.com
Yet India has been a comparative failure in terms of innovation over the past decade.
Ancak Hindistan son on yılda yenilik açısından karşılaştırmalı bir başarısızlık olmuştur.
Kaynak: economist.com
The innovation here is around the financial instrument not the social delivery organization.
Burada yenilik finansal aracın etrafında değil sosyal teslimat organizasyondur.
Kaynak: pbs.org
Insofar as the movement promotes a new focus on teaching/learning creativity and innovation skills through activities that promote higher
Kaynak: Creativity
Bid‘ah (بدعة) refers to innovations in Islam . Linguistically the term means "innovation, novelty, heretical doctrine, heresy In contrast
Kaynak: Bid‘ah
Open innovation is a term promoted by Henry Chesbrough , a professor and executive director at the Center for Open Innovation at the
Kaynak: Open innovation
Social innovation refers to new strategies , concept s, idea s and organizations that meet social needs of all kinds — from working
Kaynak: Social innovation
A disruptive innovation is an innovation that helps create a new market and value network , and eventually goes on to disrupt an
Kaynak: Disruptive innovation
Innovation management is the discipline of managing processes in innovation . be used to develop both product and organizational innovation.
Kaynak: Innovation management
NOTOC_User innovation refers to innovation by intermediate users (e.g. user firm s) or consumer users (individual end-user s or user
Kaynak: User innovation
The concept of the innovation system stresses that the flow of technology and information among people, enterprises and institutions is key
Kaynak: Innovation system

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