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innuendo ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

innuendo anlamı
1) ima
2) dokundurma
3) taş
4) üstü kapalı söz
5) ima etme

"innuendo" için örnek kullanımlar

He said Donahue was talking about rumors and innuendo that are not true.
O Donahue doğru olmayan söylentiler ve kinaye bahsediyordu söyledi.
Kaynak: thecourierexpress.com
"It's all innuendo and rumours so the quicker we can wrap it up the better."
"Hızlı biz daha o kadar tamamlamayı, böylece tüm imalarını ve söylentiler var."
Kaynak: sportal.com.au
When they leave for a seminar, there's innuendo about their missed time together.
Bir seminer için ayrıldığınızda, kendi cevapsız zaman hakkında imalar birlikte var.
Kaynak: blogs.wsj.com
An innuendo is an insinuation or intimation about a person or thing, especially of a disparaging or a derogatory nature. It can also be a
Kaynak: Innuendo
An innuendo is a figure of speech which indicates an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation.
Kaynak: Innuendo (disambiguation)
A person who is unfamiliar with the hidden or alternative meaning of a sentence may fail to detect its innuendo s, aside from observing
Kaynak: Double entendre
The show is laden with adult humor, including double entendre s, innuendo s, and satirical social commentary. Joe Murray initially created
Kaynak: Rocko's Modern Life
A whispering campaign or whisper campaign is a method of persuasion in which damaging rumor s or innuendo are spread about the target,
Kaynak: Whispering campaign

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