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interesting ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

interesting anlamı
1) ilginç
2) ilgi çekici
3) enteresan

"interesting" için örnek kullanımlar

The story of Cascadel's local recreation district is an interesting one.
Cascadel yerel rekreasyon bölgesi hikayesi ilginç biridir.
Kaynak: sierrastar.com
What's interesting is that I was following 10,895 before I found out.
Ne ilginç buldum önce 10.895 takip olmasıdır.
Kaynak: chicagotribune.com
This season is going to be an interesting test for the 'number twos'.
Bu sezon 'sayısı ikişer ikişer' için ilginç bir deney olacak.
Kaynak: metro.co.uk
It'll be interesting to see if the manager adapts to the skill sets he has on hand.
Bu müdür o taraftan var setleri beceri adapte olmadığını görmek ilginç olacak.
Kaynak: hardballtalk.nbcsports.com
Interesting Times is the seventeenth novel in the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett , set in the Aurient aka Orient. live in interesting
Kaynak: Interesting Times
The interesting number paradox is a semi-humorous paradox which arises from the attempt to classify natural number s as "interesting" or "
Kaynak: Interesting number paradox
"May you live in interesting times", often referred to as the Chinese curse, is reputed to be the English translation of an ancient
Kaynak: May you live in interesting times
His best-remembered "character" was that of a German soldier with the catchphrase : "Verrrry interesting, but...' stupid', 'not very
Kaynak: Arte Johnson

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