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interloper ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

interloper anlamı
1) burnunu sokan kimse
2) karışan tip
3) yetkisiz tüccar

"interloper" için örnek kullanımlar

Yet Suede's allure is about far more than just their interloper status.
Ancak Süet cazibesini sadece kendi burnunu sokan durumu daha hakkında çok fazla.
Kaynak: musicweek.com
He couldn't help but feel like an interloper in this new world of grown men.
O yardım ancak büyümüş adamların bu yeni dünyada bir burnunu sokan gibi hissediyorum olamazdı.
Kaynak: kitsapsun.com
Every cut in the film throws the helpless interloper into a new scene.
Filmde her kesim yeni bir sahne içine çaresiz sokan atar.
Kaynak: arts.nationalpost.com
Goode is diabolical as the suave, strangely unemotional interloper.
Goode suave, garip duygusuz sokan kadar şeytani olduğunu.
Kaynak: startribune.com
Although it has an orbit similar to the Flora family asteroids, Baptistina was found to be an unrelated interloper It was considered the
Kaynak: 298 Baptistina
bisexuality or the "socialization of the male interloper fantasy" in which a man is invited into a lesbian relationship as a third partner
Kaynak: Heteroflexibility
Burgundia was long thought to be a member of the now defunct Ceres asteroid family , but it was found to be an unrelated interloper in
Kaynak: 374 Burgundia
Although Eichsfeldia has an orbit similar to the Vesta family asteroids, it was found to be an unrelated interloper on the basis of its
Kaynak: 442 Eichsfeldia
However, it is not a family member but an un-related interloper in the region because its composition is inconsistent with membership.
Kaynak: 657 Gunlöd

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