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intermarriage ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intermarriage anlamı
1) akraba evliliği
2) yabancı ile evlenme

"intermarriage" için örnek kullanımlar

We're certainly not avoiding the confrontational issues about civil society and intermarriage and things like that.
Biz kesinlikle sivil toplum ve Evliliklerin ve bunun gibi şeyler hakkında çatışmacı sorunlar kaçınarak değil.
Kaynak: jpost.com
Dr. Solomon was profiled in a recent film about a culture of intermarriage between HIV positive individuals in India.
Dr Solomon Hindistan'da HIV pozitif bireyler arasındaki evliliklerden bir kültürü hakkında yeni bir film profilli edildi.
Kaynak: pbs.org
The number of intermarriage declined, as stories of viciousness and the seduction of white women grew, mixed with opposition to intermarriage.
Kaynak: Interracial marriage
Interfaith marriage in Judaism (also called mixed marriage or intermarriage) was historically looked upon with very strong disfavour by
Kaynak: Interfaith marriage in Judaism
High rates of intermarriage are considered to be an indication of social integration because it reveals intimate and profound relations
Kaynak: Cultural assimilation
Traditional Judaism does not consider marriage between a Jew by birth and a convert as an intermarriage Hence, all the Biblical passages
Kaynak: Interfaith marriage
Royal intermarriage is the practice of members of ruling dynasties marrying into other reign ing families. It was more commonly done in
Kaynak: Royal intermarriage
Total assimilation is only possible if the host society is receptive and extensive intermarriage takes place (at its most in former
Kaynak: Jewish assimilation
Amalgamation is a now largely archaic term for the intermarriage and interbreeding of different ethnicities or races . In the English-
Kaynak: Amalgamation (race)
Paraguay 's cultural heritage can be traced to the extensive intermarriage between the original male Spanish settlers and female indigenous
Kaynak: Culture of Paraguay
A racialized society is a society where socioeconomic inequality , residential segregation and low intermarriage rates are the norm, where
Kaynak: Racialized society
In that same year, James Heflin officially protested in the Senate against New York 's legalization of racial intermarriage between a
Kaynak: James Thomas Heflin
Fearing that intermarriage opponents will injure Doki further, Nabi abruptly ends the relationship, displaying an anti-intermarriage sign
Kaynak: There She Is!!
movement by stirring up debate over the prospect of black–white intermarriage after the abolition of slavery, was first coined in 1863,
Kaynak: Anti-miscegenation laws in the United States
heavy intermarriage with other ethnic groups and Mexico's tradition of defining itself as a “mestizaje ” or mixing of European and indigenous.
Kaynak: Afro-Mexican
intermarriage and other dispassionate intercultural processes, have resulted in varying degrees of language death and loss of original
Kaynak: Taiwanese aborigines
well as emigration to other countries, including the United States as well as intermarriage with other races and dilution of ethnic identity .
Kaynak: Japanese Brazilian

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