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intermittent ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intermittent anlamı
1) aralıklı
2) kesik kesik
3) gidip gelen

"intermittent" için örnek kullanımlar

Clarke must be feeling like Border during the decade of intermittent pain.
Clarke aralıklı ağrı on yılda Sınır gibi hissediyor olmalı.
Kaynak: espncricinfo.com
Chase Bank site attacked, suffers intermittent outage · Advertise | AdChoices.
AdChoices | Chase Bank site saldırdı, aralıklı kesintisi · Reklam uğrar.
Kaynak: nbcnews.com
Met officials here said intermittent showers could continue throughout Thursday.
Burada Met yetkilileri aralıklı rain Perşembe boyunca devam edebileceğini söyledi.
Kaynak: khaleejtimes.com
The NCDOT says weather permitting, the bridge will have intermittent overnight clo
NCDOT hava müsait diyor, köprü aralıklı gecede clo olacak
Kaynak: wwaytv3.com
An intermittent energy source is any source of energy that is not continuously available due to some factor outside direct control.
Kaynak: Intermittent energy source
These are called intermittent lakes, ephemeral lakes, or seasonal lakes and can be found in karstic terrain . example of an intermittent
Kaynak: Lake
An intermittent fault, often called simply an "intermittent", is a malfunction of a device or system that occurs at intervals, usually
Kaynak: Intermittent fault
The intermittent mechanism or intermittent movement is the device by which film is regularly advanced and then held in place for a brief
Kaynak: Intermittent mechanism
Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is a rare autosomal dominant metabolic disorder affecting the production of heme , the oxygen-binding
Kaynak: Acute intermittent porphyria
Intermittent preventive therapy or intermittent preventive treatment (IPT) is a public health intervention aimed at treating and preventing
Kaynak: Intermittent preventive therapy
Intermittent hypoxic training (IHT), also known as intermittent hypoxic therapy, is a non-invasive, drug-free technique aimed at improving
Kaynak: Intermittent hypoxic training
A rhythmic spring (also: ebb and flow spring, periodic spring, intermittent spring, potajnice) is a cold water fluctuating spring .
Kaynak: Rhythmic spring

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