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intermix ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

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"intermix" için örnek kullanımlar

The last thing I should mention about Q4 is the acquisition of Intermix.
Ben Q4 bahsetmek gerekir son şey Intermix elde edilmesidir.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
Moments of chaos and panic intermix with eerie calm and occasional joy.
Kaos ve ürkütücü sakin ve zaman zaman sevinç ile panik İntermiks Momentleri.
Kaynak: pastemagazine.com
Intermix occupies an unusual spot in the designer retail market.
Intermix tasarımcı perakende pazarında alışılmadık bir yer kaplar.
Kaynak: online.wsj.com
Additionally, intermix is included in total sales and does not have a last year comparison.
Ayrıca, İntermiks toplam satış dahildir ve geçen yıl karşılaştırma yoktur.
Kaynak: seekingalpha.com
often referred to as the "dilithium intermix chamber" or the "matter/antimatter reaction chamber", depending upon the ship's intermix type.
Kaynak: Warp drive
A meromictic lake has layers of water that do not intermix In ordinary, "holomictic " lakes, at least once each year there is a physical
Kaynak: Meromictic lake
Size selector knob - no size intermix (BSR 1968 to 1973) Size and speed selector knob - no size intermix, some types can't be played
Kaynak: Record changer
All models support RAID-6 disk configurations, Fibre Channel and iSCSI host interfaces, as well as the ability to intermix Flash drives
Kaynak: Hitachi Adaptable Modular Storage 2000
The show was the first in America to regularly intermix live action with animation using a bluescreen . (Knightmare was the first show
Kaynak: Nick Arcade
Some brands intermix the flavors more, though the separate flavors are still clearly visible. Neapolitan ice cream was named in the late
Kaynak: Neapolitan ice cream
Shuochang performances usually intermix speaking and singing, and are accompanied by percussion instruments and sometimes also plucked or
Kaynak: Shuochang
Students from Penn and these other colleges often intermix at numerous events. Traditions Toast throwing : As a sign of school pride, crowds
Kaynak: Student life at the University of Pennsylvania

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