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interspace ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

interspace anlamı
1) ara
2) aralık
1) aralık bırakmak
2) boşluk bırakmak

"interspace" için örnek kullanımlar

term interspace | content interspace 1 The region between adjacent veins. term irrorated | content irrorated or irroration irroration 1
Kaynak: Glossary of entomology terms
Forewing: a subterminal series of outwardly truncate or emarginate white spot; the spot in interspace 4 shifted inwards out of line; those
Kaynak: Papilio clytia
and produced outwards in interspaces 3 and 4, below this the margin is squarely indented inwards in interspace 2 and outwardly convex in
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Hind wing: a subbasal spot and a spot beyond it in interspace 7, a large round subterminal spot crowned with ochraceous in interspace 2,
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Hind wing: a medial patch of white that consists of an elongate spot at base of interspace 4, and a short streak that fills the basal half
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Female Upperside, fore wing : dark brownish black ; an oval, elongate, broad streak in cell, continued beyond into the base of interspace
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Hindwing : the abdominal fold, the apical half obliquely of interspace 1, the termen broadly, the base of the cell and the costal area up
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below and beyond the cell is a series of streaks in the interspaces; tho streaks very irregular in length, that in interspace 1 the
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a zigzag discal series of large spots, angulated outwardly in interspace 4, inwardly in interspace 2, a minute spot at base of interspace
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two spots on the black area at apex, a long streak in interspace la ; two elongate broad streaks in interspace 1 divided by a slender
Kaynak: Papilio agestor
a similar band at apex of cell continued below as a round spot in interspace 2 and a transverse spot in interspace 1; a macular similar band
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then five spots one in each interspace beyond the cell, that in the second median interspace (interspace 3) the smallest ; two elongated
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three shorter streaks between and above them at apex; interspace la with an elongate streak that does not reach the termen; two streaks in
Kaynak: Papilio epycides

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