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interurban ne demek?

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interurban anlamı
1) şehirlerarası

"interurban" için örnek kullanımlar

In this way they will not be able to fulfill their interurban transport contracts with municipalities.
Bu şekilde onlar belediyeler ile şehirlerarası taşımacılık sözleşmeleri yerine getirmek mümkün olmayacaktır.
Kaynak: focus-fen.net
The Toledo & Indiana Railway, an electric interurban line connecting Bryan with Toledo, operated from 1905 to 1939.
Toledo & Indiana Demiryolu, Toledo ile Bryan bağlayan bir elektrik şehirlerarası hat, 1905 ve 1939 ile çalışır.
Kaynak: bryantimes.com
At 10 p.m. on Feb. 24, 1947, motorman James Dinsmore started his Central Park interurban tram out of the BC Electric station at Carrall and Hastings.
24 Şubat 1947 10 pm, makinist James Dinsmore Carrall ve Hastings M.Ö. Elektrik istasyonunun yaptığı Central Park şehirlerarası tramvay başladı.
Kaynak: vancouversun.com
This image of the interurban station in downtown Fort Wayne shows the Randall Building, which has been added to the National Register of Historic Places.
Downtown Fort Wayne şehirlerarası istasyonunun Bu görüntü Tarihi Yerler Ulusal Kayıt eklenmiştir Randall Binası, gösterir.
Kaynak: fwdailynews.com
The interurban was a type of electric railway , particularly prevalent in the United States and Canada in the period 1900 to 1925,
Kaynak: Interurban
In Australia, electrified interurban commuter railway systems are used to connect urban areas separated by long distances and use heavy-
Kaynak: Inter-city rail
The East Bay Electric Lines were a unit of the Southern Pacific Railroad that operated electric interurban -type trains in the East Bay
Kaynak: East Bay Electric Lines
Joseph Railway was an electrified interurban railway that ran between Kansas City, Missouri , and St. Joseph, Missouri , from the early
Kaynak: Kansas City, Clay County and St. Joseph Railway
The Red Devil was a high-speed interurban trolley (tram ). It was developed by the Cincinnati Car Company for the Cincinnati and Lake
Kaynak: Red Devil (interurban)
This is a list of interurban railways in North America . Elsewhere, the term was not used or did not have the same meaning.
Kaynak: List of interurban railways in North America
The Interurban Bridge, also known as the Ohio Electric Railroad Bridge. is a historic interurban railroad bridge built in 1908 across the
Kaynak: Interurban Bridge
The interurban multiple unit are a class of electric multiple unit used by Citytrain in and around South East Queensland Australia .
Kaynak: Interurban multiple unit (Queensland Rail)
The interurban (and railroad) companies must build and maintain their own right-of-ways while roads for private cars and buses are paid by
Kaynak: Bullet (interurban)
The Louisville and Interurban Railroad (L&I) was an interurban line that operated in and around Louisville, Kentucky during the first
Kaynak: Louisville and Interurban Railroad
The Texas Interurban Railway was an electric interurban railroad that operated from Dallas , Texas , to Terrell and Denton from 1923 to
Kaynak: Texas Interurban Railway

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