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intestate ne demek?

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İngilizce - Türkçe

intestate anlamı
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"intestate" için örnek kullanımlar

Judge McCallum died in 1897, intestate.
Yargıç McCallum vasiyetsiz, 1897 yılında öldü.
Kaynak: palmspringslife.com
Q:Our parents died intestate.
S: Bizim anne vasiyetsiz öldü.
Kaynak: telegraphindia.com
Intestate succession: It entails dealing with the property of a dead person who does not leave a will or leaves an invalid one.
Arkaya vasiyetsiz: Bu bir vasiyet bırakmadığı ya da geçersiz bırakır değil ölü bir kişinin özelliği ile ilgili gerektirir.
Kaynak: nation.co.ke
Edu said; "It is always advisable not to die intestate, given the fact that obtaining a probate document for such individuals are quite cumbersome with its attendant discomforts and delays.
Edu dedi; "Böyle bireyler için bir veraset belgesinin alınmasının kendi görevlisi rahatsızlıkları ve gecikmelere karşı oldukça hantal olduğu gerçeği göz önüne alındığında, her zaman vasiyetsiz ölmek için tavsiye edilmez.
Kaynak: allafrica.com
Intestate succession The intestate's property : capable of taking effect, he is deemed to have died intestate in respect of his entire estate.
Kaynak: Christian law of succession in India
Advancement is a common law doctrine of intestate succession that presumes that gifts given to a person's heir during that person's life
Kaynak: Advancement (inheritance)
Under the system of intestate succession created by section 23 and the regulations, particularly regulation 2(e), minor children did not
Kaynak: Bhe v Magistrate, Khayelitsha
In this case the intestate and the defendant reduced their agreement into writing, by the terms of which they must now be bound: this is
Kaynak: Cutter v Powell
Court of South Africa which ruled that a same-sex life partner was entitled to inherit the estate of the other partner who died intestate
Kaynak: Gory v Kolver NO
Intestate Succession:: The opening of the Intestate Succession happens in two different situations: 1.- 27 BCLC means intestate succession
Kaynak: Basque Civil Law
In common-law jurisdictions , administration of an estate on death arises if the deceased is legally intestate , meaning they did not leave
Kaynak: Administration (probate law)
Hotchpot was abolished for all persons dying intestate ( that is without a Will)by section 1(2)of the Law Reform (Succession) Act 1995 in
Kaynak: Hotchpot
that was passed by the parliament of India in 1956 to amend and codify the law relating to intestate or unwilled succession, among Hindus .
Kaynak: Hindu Succession Act, 1956
He was described as the richest commoner in England when he died unmarried and intestate with a fortune estimated at £2 million, which
Kaynak: William Jennens
for the equitable distribution of the assets of persons who die intestate (without a valid will), such as by granting a grant of
Kaynak: Probate court
(B) the plaintiff's intestate was driving his buggy to the extreme right of the road; and (C) the highway was well lighted, such that
Kaynak: Martin v. Herzog
this temporary ownership agreement cannot be left to heir s (intestate ) or devisee s (testate ), and the life estate cannot normally be
Kaynak: Life estate
property from an intestate estate or trust, or the payment of certain life insurance benefits or financial account sums to beneficiaries.
Kaynak: Estate tax in the United States
For example, if a person dies intestate , the laws of some jurisdictions require the estate to be distributed to the person's spouse and/or
Kaynak: Next of kin
However, the Act contains a clause that states if the end result would be an intestate estate escheating to the state, the 120-hour rule
Kaynak: Uniform Simultaneous Death Act
Holmes à Court died intestate and his estate was divided equally among his widow Janet (née Ranford), and their four children.
Kaynak: Robert Holmes à Court
205 | 1 | 1907 was a cause of action for the death of the plaintiff's intestate, Adam M. Schlemmer, while trying to couple a shovel car
Kaynak: Schlemmer v. Buffalo, R. & P. R. Co.

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