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intoxication ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

intoxication anlamı
1) sarhoşluk
2) sarhoş olma

"intoxication" için örnek kullanımlar

Ok, so if driving, DUI, if not driving, underage drinking/intoxication ?
Tamam, sürüş, DUI, eğer sürüş değildi eğer öyleyse, reşit olmayan içme / sarhoşluk?
Kaynak: seattletimes.com
Tickle was arrested on March 7 in Danville, Va for public intoxication.
Tickle kamu zehirlenme Danville, Va 7 Mart'ta tutuklandı.
Kaynak: examiner.com
Sweet Primus, between all the energon intoxication, Futurama robot fuel, and
Tatlı tüm energon zehirlenmesi arasındaki Primus, Futurama robot yakıt ve
Kaynak: seibertron.com
Police say Tickle reeked of alcohol and showed signs of intoxication.
Polis Tickle alkol reeked ve zehirlenme belirtileri gösterdi söylüyorlar.
Kaynak: nbc12.com
Intoxication can refer to: Substance intoxication : Alcohol intoxication Toxidrome Effects of cannabis Cocaine intoxication Caffeine intoxication
Kaynak: Intoxication
Alcohol intoxication (also known as drunkenness or inebriation) refers to a physiological state induced by the consumption of alcohol .
Kaynak: Alcohol intoxication
Substance intoxication is a type of substance-induced disorder which is potentially maladaptive and impairing, but reversible and
Kaynak: Substance intoxication
Cocaine intoxication refers to the immediate effects of cocaine on the body. Although cocaine intoxication and cocaine dependence can be
Kaynak: Cocaine intoxication
Four caffeine-induced disorders are recognized by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) including: caffeine intoxication, caffeine-
Kaynak: Caffeine
Causes: Acute alcohol intoxication (F10) Ethyl Alcohol Methanol poisoning Ethylene glycol poisoning Opioid overdose (F11) Among sedative -
Kaynak: Drug overdose
When it comes to intoxication defenses in criminal law, even "voluntary intoxication" (the knowing and voluntary consumption of alcohol or
Kaynak: Intoxication defense
the amount required to saturate cannabinoid receptors and cause intoxication is approximately 40,000:1 A typical marijuana "joint" contains
Kaynak: Effects of cannabis
Category:Medical emergencies Category:Medical terminology Category:Toxicology Category:Substance intoxication. . author Mofenson HC,
Kaynak: Toxidrome
Public intoxication, also known as "drunk and disorderly", is a summary offense in some countries rated to public cases or displays of
Kaynak: Public intoxication
Water intoxication, also known as water poisoning or dilutional hyponatremia, is a potentially fatal disturbance in brain functions that
Kaynak: Water intoxication
Combined drug intoxication (CDI), also known as multiple drug intake (MDI) or lethal polydrug /polypharmacy intoxication, is an unnatural
Kaynak: Combined drug intoxication
Voluntary intoxication, where a defendant has wilfully consumed drink or drugs before committing acts which constitute the prohibited
Kaynak: Voluntary intoxication in English law
It is also known as oxygen toxicity syndrome, oxygen intoxication, and oxygen poisoning. Historically, the central nervous system
Kaynak: Oxygen toxicity
honey intoxication, or rhododendron poisoning Grayanotoxin I (see below) is also known as andromedotoxin, acetylandromedol, rhodotoxin and
Kaynak: Grayanotoxin

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