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inventive ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

inventive anlamı
1) yaratıcı
2) özgün
3) orijinal

"inventive" için örnek kullanımlar

These schemes are quite old hat now, so the fraudsters are becoming more inventive.
Bu planlar artık oldukça eski şapka vardır, dolandırıcıların daha yaratıcı hale geliyor böylece.
Kaynak: cambridge-news.co.uk
Will the Heels wonderfully inventive and unique Harlem Shake video propel them to victory?
Harika yaratıcı ve benzersiz Harlem Sarsıntı Video Topuklar zaferi onları itmek mı?
Kaynak: bluevsblue.com
Brian from the inventive blog GadgetSponge.com knew!
Yaratıcı blog GadgetSponge.com Brian biliyordum!
Kaynak: foxrio2.com
These works are beautifully crafted and inventive.
Bu eserler güzel hazırlanmış ve yaratıcı vardır.
Kaynak: weeklyvolcano.com
The inventive step and non-obviousness reflect a same general patentability requirement present in most patent law s, according to which an
Kaynak: Inventive step and non-obviousness
Under the European Patent Convention (EPC), European patents shall be granted for invention s which inter alia involve an inventive step
Kaynak: Inventive step under the European Patent Convention
In English the name is typically rendered as "the theory of inventive problem solving and occasionally goes by the English acronym TIPS.
Kaynak: TRIZ
Thomas Grady Martin (January 17, 1929 – December 3, 2001) was one of the most renowned, inventive and historically significant American
Kaynak: Grady Martin
Drug design, sometimes referred to as rational drug design or more simply rational design , is the inventive process of finding new
Kaynak: Drug design
Ingenuity is the quality of being clever, original, and inventive, often in the process of applying ideas to solve problems or meet
Kaynak: Ingenuity
Sandlot is a Japan ese video game developer that is known for its very unusual and inventive control and gameplay mechanics.
Kaynak: Sandlot (company)
The Bad Livers were a band from Austin, Texas whose inventive musical style defied attempts to categorize them according to existing
Kaynak: Bad Livers
Jean-Antoine Lépine (L'Pine, LePine, Lepine, L'Epine), was a revolutionary and inventive French watch and clockmaker, who contributed with
Kaynak: Jean-Antoine Lépine
Second hurdle: inventive step requirement: of Appeal, has come with an adjustment of the case law relating to the inventive step requirement .
Kaynak: Software patents under the European Patent Convention

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