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invocation ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

invocation anlamı
1) dua
2) yakarma
3) yalvarma

"invocation" için örnek kullanımlar

They would cite Marx, as if the invocation of his name settled the issue.
Onun adını çağırma sorun çözülmediği gibi Onlar, Marx yazdı.
Kaynak: pbs.org
"It seems like there is a lot of user invocation services," Silva added.
"Kullanıcı çağırma hizmetleri bir sürü var gibi görünüyor," Silva ekledi.
Kaynak: technewsworld.com
Vern Eswine, president of the Marketing Company, led the invocation.
Vern Eswine, Pazarlama Şirketi Başkanı çağırma yol açtı.
Kaynak: newsandtribune.com
But yeah, let's jump straight to the invocation of 9/11 shall we?
Ama evet, 9/11 olur ve çağırma atlayabilirsiniz izin?
Kaynak: spinoff.comicbookresources.com
An invocation (from the Latin verb invocare "to call on, invoke, to give") may take the form of. File:Gustave dore crusades invocation to
Kaynak: Invocation
"invocation" or "calling down from on high") is that part of the Anaphora (Eucharistic Prayer) by which the priest invokes the Holy
Kaynak: Epiclesis
The Arabic script of the wings (in mirror image of each other) reads: "Ya Hazrati Inayat", with ya meaning "O" (an invocation, an
Kaynak: Universal Sufism
The Thirty-Nine Articles (1563) however condemned the "invocation of saints" as "a fond thing, vainly invented, and grounded upon no
Kaynak: Intercession of saints
Implicit invocation is a term used by some authors for a style of software architecture in which a system is structured around event
Kaynak: Implicit invocation
In (multithreaded ) object-oriented programming , asynchronous method invocation (AMI), also known as asynchronous method calls or
Kaynak: Asynchronous method invocation

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