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involucral ne demek?

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"involucral" için örnek kullanımlar

in flowering plants: an involucral bract , or a pair, whorl or other collection of such bracts, surrounding a flower or an inflorescence
Kaynak: Involucre
Involucral bracts: Image:Leafy-bract-Beggar-ticks. we. jpg | Beggar-tick (Bidens comosa ): narrow involucral bracts surround each inflorescence
Kaynak: Bract
The main feature of the family is the composite flower type in the form of capitula surrounded by involucral bracts .The name "
Kaynak: Asteraceae
The edible portions of the buds consist primarily of the fleshy lower portions of the involucral bract s and the base, known as the "heart
Kaynak: Artichoke
The flower head is solitary or in clusters of 3 or 4 with the involucral bracts a pale red, pink or cream colour. The fruit is a densely
Kaynak: Protea caffra
They have showy flower heads with involucral bract s in two distinct series of eight each, the outer being commonly connate at the base.
Kaynak: Coreopsis
They are characterised by their zygomorphic flowers and by the involucral bract s called spathe s that surround the flower stalks These
Kaynak: Commelina
The flowers have awns that are covered in purple-black velvety hairs, and are contained within a series of rings of involucral bracts
Kaynak: Protea eximia
The outer and middle involucral bracts are broad, striate , smooth with broadly rounded tips; the inner bracts are narrower with hairy
Kaynak: Russian knapweed
It is instantly recognisable by its blue-green foliage, very narrow, undulate leaves, and purple-tipped involucral bracts. C. bonariensis
Kaynak: Conyza bonariensis
It lacks an expanded outer series of herbaceous involucral bract s or phyllaries. These tend to be much reduced. Ichthyothere scandens and
Kaynak: Ichthyothere
The bracts are lanceolate, involucral and are more than five in number. The capitula are golden yellow, solitary or in clusters of two to
Kaynak: Scolymus maculatus
It refers to the involucral bract , a whorl of bracts below the flower. It first appeared in scientific literature in 1810, in Prodromus
Kaynak: Pentachondra involucrata
The leaves are leathery and hairless and the flowerheads are solitary with the involucral bracts a pale green to bright pink or red colour
Kaynak: Protea angolensis
seeded carpels and inflorescence s that are all subtended by large involucral bract s They bear yellow hairs below the anthers, which are
Kaynak: Streptolirion
family The name is derived from the Greek root grc | φαίνω (to shine) and grc | κόμη (hair), which refer to dry and shiny involucral bracts .
Kaynak: Phaenocoma
their choice, "rufa", is from the Latin rufus ("reddish"), in references to the red-brown colour of new growth and the involucral bract s.
Kaynak: Banksia rufa
They are subtended by involucral bract s. The seed-like fruit is narrow with a pappus of several pointed scales (giving rise to the common
Kaynak: Palafoxia
The involucral phyllaries (bract s under the flower head) are narrow and overlapping. They have, along the midrib, a narrow zone
Kaynak: Ionactis

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