ipecacuanha is a species of flowering plant in the Rubiaceae family . It is native to Brazil and its common name,
ipecacuanhaKaynak: Carapichea ipecacuanhaIt may cause gastric problems, including vomiting and gastroenteritis as referenced in the obsolete scientific name S.
ipecacuanhaKaynak: Solanum pseudocapsicumquinine (Cinchona ), and gambier (Uncaria ), the medicinal
ipecacuanha (Carapichea
ipecacuanha ), and the horticulturally valuable madder
Kaynak: Rubiaceaecommonly referred to as ipecac, is derived from the dried rhizome and root s of the
ipecacuanha . Its usual use is to induce vomiting.
Kaynak: Syrup of ipecacInitially dedicated to growing fruit for the local colonial officers, it later became known for cultivating the medicinal plant
ipecacuanha .
Kaynak: Saramsa GardenRoot bark has a Digitalis-like effect on the heart, but was earlier used as a substitute of
ipecacuanha . They are poisonous plants;
Kaynak: CalotropisHe did much to improve the garden, and introduced valuable medicinal plants, especially cinchona and
ipecacuanha: to him is due the
Kaynak: Thomas Anderson (botanist)In 1875 and 1876, he wrote papers advocating the use of sub-emetic doses of
ipecacuanha in the treatment of dysentery . His duties
Kaynak: Alfred Alexander WoodhullEmetine:Ipecac or
ipecacuanha consists of the dried rhizome and roots of Cephaelis
ipecacuanha. The medical virtues of ipecac are almost
Kaynak: Amoebic liver abscess