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irony ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

irony anlamı
1) alay
2) hiciv
3) ince alay
4) rastlantı
5) gizli alay
6) tersini söyleyerek alay etme
1) demir
2) demirimsi
3) demirli

"irony" için örnek kullanımlar

The irony here was that SXSW techies failed to get the projector to work.
Burada ironi SXSW Meraklıları projektör işe almak için başarısız oldu.
Kaynak: wbez.org
The irony of a Redskins fan talking about building through the draft haha.
Bir Redskins ironi taslak haha aracılığıyla bina hakkında konuşuyor havalandırın.
Kaynak: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com
We allow and encourage comments employing satire, wit and irony to make points.
Biz izin ve hiciv, zekâ ve puan yapmak için ironi istihdam yorumlar öneririz.
Kaynak: badgerherald.com
And, yes, it would be with some irony if it took Peyton Manning to get him one.
Onu almak için Peyton Manning aldı Ve eğer, evet, bazı ironi olurdu.
Kaynak: cbssports.com
Although in the written English language there is no standard way to denote irony or sarcasm , several forms of punctuation have been
Kaynak: Irony punctuation
Irony's Edge: The Theory and Politics of Irony is a non-fiction book written by Linda Hutcheon on the subject of irony . definition of
Kaynak: Irony's Edge
Post-irony (from the Latin, post- "after and Ancient Greek. grc | εἰρωνεία grc-Latn | eirōneía connote a return from irony to earnestness —
Kaynak: Post-irony
The Socratic method (also known as method of elenchus, elenctic method, Socratic irony, or Socratic debate), named after the classical
Kaynak: Socratic method
The Rhetoric of Irony is a book about irony by American literary critic Wayne Booth . literary irony, there are ironies that lack a stable referent.
Kaynak: The Rhetoric of Irony

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