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irrigation ne demek?

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irrigation anlamı
1) sulama

"irrigation" için örnek kullanımlar

He had been using the engine to power his irrigation equipment.
O güç onun sulama ekipmanlarına motorunu kullanarak olmuştu.
Kaynak: theboot.com
But irrigation dams and development threats made the place tough for the big trout.
Ancak sulama baraj ve kalkınma tehditlerle büyük alabalık için yer sert yaptı.
Kaynak: missoulian.com
And if that wasn't enough, the system even captures used water for home irrigation.
Ve bu yeterli değildi, sistemin ev bile sulama için kullanılan su yakalar.
Kaynak: hlntv.com
Some will be stored until its extraction for irrigation.
Bazı sulama için onun ekstraksiyon kadar saklanacaktır.
Kaynak: heraldtribune.com
Surface irrigation is defined as the group of application techniques where water is applied and distributed over the soil surface by
Kaynak: Surface irrigation
In medicine, therapeutic irrigation or lavage. (icon | l | ə | ˈ | v | ɑː | ʒ lə | VAHZH or. ˈ | l | æ | v | ɨ | dʒ LAV | ij is a general term
Kaynak: Therapeutic irrigation
The Columbia Basin Project (or CBP) in Central Washington , USA , is the irrigation network that the Grand Coulee Dam makes possible.
Kaynak: Columbia Basin Project
Drip irrigation, also known as trickle irrigation or micro irrigation or localized irrigation, is an irrigation method that saves water
Kaynak: Drip irrigation
Nasal irrigation or nasal lavage or nasal douche is the personal hygiene practice in which the nasal cavity is washed to flush out excess
Kaynak: Nasal irrigation
Deficit irrigation (DI) is a watering strategy that can be applied by different types of irrigation application methods. supplemental
Kaynak: Deficit irrigation
Center-pivot irrigation (sometimes called central pivot irrigation), also called circle irrigation, is a method of crop irrigation in
Kaynak: Center pivot irrigation
Tidal irrigation is the subsurface irrigation of levee soils in coastal plain s with river water under tidal influence . It is applied
Kaynak: Tidal irrigation
An irrigation tank or tank is an artificial reservoir of any size, mainly in India (The word sagar refers to a large lake, usually man-
Kaynak: Irrigation tank
is an irrigation infrastructure built in 256 BC during the Warring States Period of China by the Kingdom of Qin . It is located in the
Kaynak: Dujiangyan Irrigation System
Lift irrigation is a method of irrigation in which water is not transported by natural flow (as in gravity-fed canal systems) but is lifted
Kaynak: Lift irrigation
In the United States an irrigation district is a cooperative, self-governing public corporation set up as a subdivision of the State
Kaynak: Irrigation district
Water resources and irrigation infrastructure in Peru vary throughout the country. about two-thirds of Peru's irrigation infrastructure
Kaynak: Irrigation in Peru
This page shows statistical data on irrigation of agricultural lands world wide. Irrigation is the artificial abstraction of water from a
Kaynak: Irrigation statistics

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