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isomorphic ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

isomorphic anlamı

"isomorphic" için örnek kullanımlar

If there exists an isomorphism between two groups, then the groups are called isomorphic. isomorphic groups have the same properties and
Kaynak: Group isomorphism
An isomorphic keyboard is a musical input device consisting of a two-dimensional grid of note-controlling elements (such as buttons or
Kaynak: Isomorphic keyboard
n, where n is the number of the vertices of the graph, two labeled graphs are said to be isomorphic if the corresponding underlying
Kaynak: Graph isomorphism
Often, it is required to decompose a graph into subgraphs isomorphic to a fixed graph; for instance, decomposing a complete graph into
Kaynak: Graph theory
If V has finite dimension n, then End(V) is isomorphic to the associative algebra of all n × n matrices with entries in K. The
Kaynak: Linear map
Two objects with an isomorphism between them are said to be isomorphic or equivalent. Note that while every isomorphism is a bimorphism,
Kaynak: Morphism
In category theory , two categories C and D are isomorphic if there exist functor s F : C → D and G : D → C which are mutually inverse to
Kaynak: Isomorphism of categories
Whenever two posets are order isomorphic, they can be considered to be "essentially the same" in the sense that one of the orders can be
Kaynak: Order isomorphism
In computability theory two sets A and B are computably isomorphic or recursively isomorphic if there exists a bijective computable
Kaynak: Computable isomorphism
Two functors F and G are called naturally isomorphic or simply isomorphic if there exists a natural isomorphism from F to G. An infranatural
Kaynak: Natural transformation

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