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jerkin ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

jerkin anlamı
1) deri yelek
2) dar ve kısa yelek

"jerkin" için örnek kullanımlar

Pippa, wearing a red ski jacket and Nico, in a black jerkin, were seen embracing after the race and talking to Pippa's parents, Carole and Michael Middleton, who cheered them across the finish line.
Pippa, siyah yelek kırmızı bir kayak ceket ve Nico, giyen, yarıştan sonra kucaklayan ve Carole ve bitiş çizgisine genelinde onları alkışladı Michael Middleton, Pippa anne konuşurken görüldü.
Kaynak: thedailybeast.com
Jerkin or Jerk is a street dance from Los Angeles Since 2009, jerkin' has gained fans along the West Coast and, 2009 | lc y, was gaining
Kaynak: Jerkin'
The word jerkin can mean: Jerkin (garment) Falconer's term for a male gyrfalcon In architecture, a half- hip roof Jerkin' - a hip hop dance
Kaynak: Jerkin
A jerkin is a man's short close-fitting jacket , made usually of light-colored leather , and often without sleeve s, worn over the doublet
Kaynak: Jerkin (garment)
A half-hip, clipped-gable or jerkin head roof has a gable, but the upper point of the gable is replaced by a small hip, squaring off the
Kaynak: Hip roof
usually worn under armour It was derived from the simple leather jerkin s worn by soldiers during the Tudor period eventually becoming a
Kaynak: Buff coat
New Boyz is an American hip hop /rap group and a former jerkin' crew duo consisting of rappers Earl "Ben J" Benjamin (born October 13,
Kaynak: New Boyz

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