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jigger ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

İngilizce - Türkçe

jigger anlamı
1) golf sopası
2) küçük yelkenli
3) içki ölçeği
4) alet
5) isteka desteği
6) cig dansçısı
7) ete gömülen pire

"jigger" için örnek kullanımlar

Add a jigger of whiskey to each glass and fill glass to within 1 inch of top with coffee.
Her cam viski jigger ekleyin ve kahve ile iyi 1 inç içinde cam doldurun.
Kaynak: wric.com
JIGGER: Get a perfect 1/2 oz or 1 oz pour every time 8.
Jigger: Mükemmel bir 1/2 oz veya 1 ons alın her seferinde 8 dökün.
Kaynak: prweb.com
Check out boating and fishing vendors and listen to guest speakers Greg Horoky and Bob "Jigger" Mann.
Tekne ve balıkçılık satıcıları görün ve konuk konuşmacılar Greg Horoky ve Bob "Jigger" Mann dinle.
Kaynak: windsorstar.com
Mr. Hensley is effectively surly as Jigger, and the cast is rounded out by a vivid Kate Burton as Mrs. Mullin, and the excellent John Cullum, in the dual roles of the Starkeeper and Dr.
Bay Hensley Jigger olarak etkin somurtkan ve döküm Starkeeper ve Dr ikili rolleri, Bayan Mullin gibi bir canlı Kate Burton, ve mükemmel John Cullum tarafından tamamlanmaktadır
Kaynak: theater.nytimes.com
It is named for the unit of liquid it typically measures, a jigger or shot, which measures 1.5 | USfloz However, bar jiggers come in other
Kaynak: Shot glass
A speeder (also known as railway motor car, putt-putt, track-maintenance car, crew car, jigger, trike, quad, trolley or inspection car, and
Kaynak: Speeder
The chigoe flea or jigger (Tunga penetrans) is a parasitic blubber arthropod found in most tropical and sub-tropical climates, not to be
Kaynak: Chigoe flea
A jiggerpole (or jigger pole) is a very long fishing pole that is used with a very short and very heavy line, usually a foot (0.3 m) or
Kaynak: Jiggerpole
known as chigoe flea , jigger, nigua or sand flea), found in the tropical parts of Africa, the Caribbean, Central and South America, and India.
Kaynak: Tungiasis
A handcar (also known as a pump trolley, pump car, jigger, Kalamazoo or draisine (powered or unpowered) in many other parts of the world)
Kaynak: Handcar
It is made from a jigger of singani , simple syrup or sugar , and orange juice. The name means that the drink comes from the Yungas , a
Kaynak: Yungueño
A peg is an informal unit of measurement of alcoholic spirits; it is similar to a jigger . Peg measures for use in preparing alcoholic
Kaynak: Peg (unit)

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