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jingoism ne demek?

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jingoism anlamı
1) aşırı milliyetçilik
2) şovenlik

"jingoism" için örnek kullanımlar

The doping and jingoism are a turnoff, not to mention dolts like Ryan Lochte.
Doping ve şovenizm Ryan Lochte gibi budalalar söz değil, bir hatadır.
Kaynak: windsorlocks.patch.com
No obvious jingoism or dramatic interventions or musical flourishes.
Hiçbir belirgin kafatasçılık veya dramatik müdahaleler veya müzik gelişiyor.
Kaynak: newindianexpress.com
For a story about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, there is a surprising absence of jingoism or noise.
Usame bin Ladin için avı hakkında bir hikaye için, kafatasçılık veya gürültü şaşırtıcı bir yokluğu var.
Kaynak: stuff.co.nz
The need to see China fail verges on jingoism.
Çin kafatasçılık üzerine kenarları başarısız görmek gerekir.
Kaynak: chinadigitaltimes.net
on the violence of nationalist movements, the associated militarism , and on conflicts between nations inspired by jingoism or chauvinism .
Kaynak: Nationalism
He coined the term "secularism " in 1851 and the term "jingoism " in 1878 Owenism : Holyoake was for a brief time a lecturer at the Birmingham
Kaynak: George Holyoake
Internationalism is by nature opposed to ultranationalism , jingoism , realism and national chauvinism . Internationalism teaches that
Kaynak: Internationalism (politics)
Due in part to these historical associations with political abuses and jingoism , the attitudes of Americans toward the pejorative use of
Kaynak: Un-American
They reject chauvinism , jingoism and militarism , and want human s to live in peace rather than perpetual conflict. They do not
Kaynak: Anti-nationalism
introduced the word jingoism into the English language. The song became hugely popular in 1878, so much so that the Prince of Wales, the
Kaynak: G. H. MacDermott
Kipling argues that boasting and jingoism , faults of which he was often accused, were inappropriate and vain in light of the permanence of God.
Kaynak: Recessional (poem)
It has been voted one of the 100 best commercials of all time and was popular for its latent jingoism and the fact that it appears to
Kaynak: St George (advertisement)
as a product of "bigoted nationalism" and "jingoism " done by self-serving public officials without regard to their historical significance
Kaynak: List of renamed streets in Manila
Colonial propaganda and jingoism : Colonial exhibitions: date September 2011 File:Dellepiane-exposition-nationale-coloniale-1906. jpg | Poster
Kaynak: Scramble for Africa
Hale disdained expansionism and jingoism and often challenged claims made by senators on Cuban military victories and Spanish atrocities
Kaynak: Eugene Hale
(singer) and George William Hunt (songwriter) commonly sung in pubs and music hall s of the Victorian era gave birth to the term "jingoism ".
Kaynak: By Jingo
pours from the radio" and by detractors as "awful" or "pure jingoism", was a local Adelaide hit for Jones, who donated the proceeds to charity.
Kaynak: Andrew Jones (Australian politician)
allegory depicting German society's increasing susceptibility to chauvinism , jingoism , ultra-nationalism , anti-Semitism , and proto- fascism .
Kaynak: Der Untertan

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