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justificatory ne demek?

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justificatory anlamı
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"justificatory" için örnek kullanımlar

primary epistemological project has been the elucidation of the justificatory condition in the classic tripartite conception of knowledge (i.e.
Kaynak: Meta-epistemology
The discourse is made up of warranted assertions, valid explanatory theories and sound justificatory arguments about the educational
Kaynak: Educology
Basic beliefs are beliefs that give justificatory support to other beliefs, and more derivative beliefs are based on those more basic
Kaynak: Foundationalism
Reflective equilibrium serves an important justificatory function within Rawls's political theory. The nature of this function, however,
Kaynak: Reflective equilibrium
the Weber collection resulted in Sedelmeyer's justificatory pamphlet, 1912 Sedelmeyer's collection was dispersed at a series of sales in Paris
Kaynak: Charles Sedelmeyer
Invariances, pursues a theme begun in The Nature of Rationality that he calls the genealogy of ethics, in contrast to a justificatory account.
Kaynak: Invariances
The fact that libertarian institutions help the poor is merely a contingent fact that plays no justificatory role. Fernando Teson is the
Kaynak: Bleeding-heart libertarianism
schools based on "monumental and prestigious" series of "authoritative" national stories often written in insular style and justificatory manner
Kaynak: Nationalization of history
But it is important to get the justificatory relations right: when a person accepts a moral judgment he or she is necessarily motivated to
Kaynak: Thomas Nagel
defencelessness to which Spain was being reduced by being deprived of all justificatory documentation of its rights, in a forced transaction
Kaynak: Moscow gold
becoming a standard for representing and interchanging policy, legislation and cases, including their justificatory arguments, in the legal domain.
Kaynak: Argument map
Price demonstrates how leaders make exceptions of themselves, explains how the justificatory force of leadership gives rise to such
Kaynak: Toxic leader
during justificatory argumentation carry additional presuppositions and so certain statements are performative contradictions in this context.
Kaynak: Performative contradiction
This entails the singling out of certain social or physical attributes as the justificatory basis of exclusion. Weber suggests that
Kaynak: Frank Parkin
Ramsey and Carnap construct can be said to provide a formal justificatory distinction between scientific observation and metaphysical inquiry.
Kaynak: Ramsey sentences
References -: 403 - "justificatory conversation... is.. .characterized by a person's sincere attempt to vindicate his or her entitlement to a
Kaynak: Philosophic burden of proof
December 1793), Desmoulins addressed himself in a "justificatory discourse" to the Jacobins maintaining his calls for an end to the Terror.
Kaynak: Le Vieux Cordelier

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