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kept ne demek?

 - 1 sözlük, 1 sonuç.

"kept" için örnek kullanımlar

If the team hadn't advanced, I think he would have just kept moving on.
Ekibi gelişmiş olmasaydı, ben sadece hareket tutmuş düşünüyorum.
Kaynak: dallasnews.com
Quite the contrary, they've kept NASCAR in the headlines every week.
Aksine, onlar her hafta manşetlere NASCAR sakladım.
Kaynak: usatoday.com
"He kept the ball down much better today," said Rangers manager Ron Washington.
"Bugün çok daha iyi aşağı topa tuttu," Rangers yöneticisi Ron Washington dedi.
Kaynak: huffingtonpost.com
But he kept coming back to all the winning he was going to do with the Broncos.
Ama o geri o Broncos ile yapmak için gidiyordu tüm kazanan gelmeye devam etti.
Kaynak: profootballtalk.nbcsports.com
Kept is a reality television series that centered on Jerry Hall (model and ex wife to Mick Jagger ) searching for a kept man .
Kaynak: Kept
There is an implication that a mistress may be "kept"—i.e., that the lover is paying for some of the woman's living expenses. The word
Kaynak: Mistress (lover)
specified date Food kept after the best before date will not necessarily be harmful, but may begin to lose its optimum flavour and texture.
Kaynak: Shelf life
In the tropics, tropical fish can be kept in garden ponds, but in the temperate zone species such as goldfish, koi , and orfe work
Kaynak: Fishkeeping
Since 1578 the Shroud is kept in the Royal Chapel of Turin Cathedral (in 1694—1993 the Shroud rested in the Royal Chapel's Bertola altar
Kaynak: Conservation of the Shroud of Turin
A kept man is a man who is financially supported by a wealthy, usually older, person who is either the man's spouse or close relative.
Kaynak: Kept man
A best kept village is a village that has won one of the annual county competition s in the UK for its tidiness, appropriateness and
Kaynak: Best kept village

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